Page 75 of Exception

“Tiff, wait,” Lennon says. “If you don’t want to work here anymore you don’t need to give me two weeks.”

“Actually, two months would probably be better.” I shoot a wary glance at Deacon. “I figure that’s about how long it will take to finalize things for my business.”

“Hopefully just six weeks, but it’s a good idea to plan for unexpected delays,” he confirms with a proud grin that makes my heart flutter.

“Two months then,” Lennon echoes. “If he agrees to keep the lovestruck stares to a minimum.” She tips her head toward Deacon, who’s beaming down at me with adoration. Awe.Love.

No wonder he avoided looking at me all this time. He can’t hide his feelings for shit.

“No promises,” Deacon growls as he brings his lips to mine, consuming me with the most reverent, heartfelt kiss we’ve ever shared. And for the first time in—maybe ever—I feel like I’m truly home.



“Ican’tbelievethisis happening,” Ally blinks watery eyes as she looks around the group, which is in such a big circle we have to strain to hear her over the music.

“This is nothing to cry about.” Cora slings an arm over her shoulder. “Remember the first year I did the bike race? You complained that you were the only girl in the group. Now look at us.”

Ally’s gaze travels around, taking in each of us in turn.

“Hey,” Axel turns to Lennon. “You’ve been here all along. How could Ally have been the only girl?”

“Your girl was a workaholic before you got here, remember?” Sloane bumps Ally’s shoulder with her own.

“Oh, right.” He grins, undeniably proud that he successfully drew her attention away from the restaurant when the rest of us failed.

“What about you?” Deacon asks me. “You didn’t ride with us the first year I was here, but clearly you were in town.”

“I’d just started working at Murphy’s and was pretty low in the hierarchy, so I had a shift during the race. I only joined in the superhero year.”

“That was Carter’s first year,” Cade laughs. “People kept thinking his costume was the guy who owns the resort even though he was wearing blue and red spandex.”

“That’s because he was such a recluse people weren’t sure what he actually looked like,” Blake adds. “Hell, half the town wasn’t even sure he existed at all. He was like an urban legend.”

“If I’d known that I would’ve gone as myself instead of dressing up,” Carter says.

“You didn’t like your costume?” Ally’s jaw drops.

“The costume itself was fine. It’s the character I didn’t like. Spiderman is the worst of all the superheroes.”

“Ugh, do not start that again,” Sloane groans.

“Who’s the best then?” Jace asks.

“Batman,” Carter deadpans.

“Batman doesn’t have any powers.” Ryder frowns at Carter. “How can you even call him a superhero?”

“Super-rich guy who makes his own powerful toys,” Becca hints. “Of course, Batman is Carter’s favorite. He could probably be the Dark Knight in real life.”

Hailey chokes on the drink she was sipping.

“I’m not that rich,” Carter laughs.

“You’ve got the altruistic thing down though. Breathing life back into the resort. Giving us a chance to build careers. Helping Ryder get back on his feet.” Becca ticks off accolades on her fingers as she goes. “How do we know you don’t have a secret lair?”

“He would’ve needed my help to build it and he hasn’t asked,” Deacon grins.