Page 20 of In Daddy's Custody

“I hate you,” she hisses.

I don’t react. I want to—I’m shocked that after what I just did to her she can still speak to me with such venom—but I don’t let her see that. Instead, I look at her calmly, my hands by my sides. Unthreatening, but commanding.

“I promised you another sore bottom. You know the drill by now,” I snap gruffly. “Hands on the wall, bend over, legs apart, ass out.” I bark orders abruptly, in no mood to muck around. If she disobeys me after what just happened, God help me…

Fortunately, Jade seems to find her sense. Without a word, she gets herself into the position I just demanded. Her hands are clenched tightly into fists as she braces her knuckles againstthe wall. She grits her teeth. Her body is stiff. She’s obviously learning a little bit; she’s not fighting me. Hopefully she’s going to accept her punishment.

“Get it over with then,” she snarls. “Beat me into submission again.”

Damn. She’s just dashed my optimism with those ten furious words.

“I’m not going to beat you, Jade. I’m going to spank you.” Why is this so difficult for her to understand? ‘Beating’ connotes extreme violence. It does to me, anyway. Although violence is not foreign to me, I don’t consider myself to be a violent man. And surely Jade is not so naïve that she thinks the spankings she’s been on the receiving end of so far are senseless, violent acts.

Jade just snorts. “Stop kidding yourself that there’s a difference. You beat my ass within five minutes of meeting me, and you’ve been getting off on doing it ever since.”

“Getting off?” I scoff. “No, Jade, I haven’t beengetting offon disciplining you.” But as soon as the words are out of my mouth, I wonder if they’re true. Jade has an eminently spankable ass. Full and rounded, with the perfect amount of jiggle. And although I don’t enjoy causing her pain, my cock is definitely getting hard at the thought of it.

Fuck. She’s right.

“I do notget offon spanking you, Jade,” I say firmly, trying to convince myself as much as her. “I want to protect you, guide you, care for you. I want your respect. Your friendship. I don’tget offon tanning your backside.”

A small smile slowly creeps across her face. “Yes, you do,” she insists smugly. “Or you wouldn’t be arguing against it so hard.”

“No.” I shake my head. I refuse to believe that there’s any truth in her words, even as I secretly acknowledge that there might be. “I don’t enjoy it, but it’s necessary. You refuse to behave appropriately. You seem to think the rules of society don’t apply to you, and you can do whatever the hell you want, whenever the hell you want to do it.”

“I can.” She shrugs, like she really doesn’t see the problem in her admission. Then her shoulders slump a bit and she looks slightly defeated. “Well, Icould,”she admits. “It doesn’t seem to be working out so well anymore. I can still taste that awful soap. Why would you do that to me?”

I do my best to hide my smirk.

Straightening up, she takes her hands down off the wall and lets them fall to her sides as she turns to face me. “Look, I’m sorry. Okay?” Guilt flashes briefly across her face. Maybe her rebelliousness is an act she feels compelled to keep up.

“Let’s just go back to our seats. You don’t have to do this, Jaxon.” She gives me her best puppy eyes—a look I’m sure both her father and Richard have fallen for dozens, if not hundreds, of times. I’m tempted to cave, myself. But I steel myself and shake my head, turning her around firmly by the shoulders and putting her back into position, making my intentions clear.

“You and I both know that’s not true. If I don’t follow through on this punishment, you’ve never going to trust me to keep my word.”

“I hate you.” she says again, as if that’s the only insult she can think of without swearing and earning herself another mouth soaping.

The fact that she appears to have learned at least part of her lesson gives me hope, but then again, she’s not backing down, so maybe she is just an insufferable brat.

Maybe it’s the reasonable adult thing that’s an act. Aggravated, I clench my jaw almost as tightly as I clench my fists. I thought I’d spanked her pretty hard the last time I had her in this bathroom, but her behaviour right now suggests otherwise. I’m clearly going to have to put a lot more power behind the swats this time. Unless… I glance down at her footwear. She’s wearing cute little strappy sandals. Black, with diamantes on them. Or something sparkly, anyway. I’m not totally up with the play on girly fashion. But they’ve got a flat sole and no heel. Perfect.

“Give me your shoe,” I demand.

“What?” She looks over her shoulder at me, thoroughly confused.

“Your shoe,” I repeat, pointing down at her sandal. “Give it to me.”

“Why?” she asks, making no move to obey.

“I’m going to spank you with it,” I tell her matter-of-factly, trying to hide my smile as she takes this in, and a look of horror creeps across her face. Maybe she’s right—maybe I am an asshole. A gentleman certainly wouldn’t be amused by her discomfort.

“Oh, hell no, you’re not!” She spins around and tries to shove her way past me. Her body language screamsescape!But I’m notabout to let her go so easily. I grab her shoulders and stop her, turning her back around so she’s facing the wall again.

“You’re not going anywhere, little girl. You are getting a spanking. My hand clearly wasn’t enough to drive the lesson home last time, and there’s not enough room for me to swing my belt in here, so either you give me your shoe, or I’ll take your pants down and spank your bare bottom. What’s it to be?” I intentionally roughen my voice, making myself sound as hard and stern as possible.

She’s breathing hard. It’s not exactly quiet in here—the engine noise is loud—but I can hear each heavy breath over the roar of the engines. I can almost see her churning her options over in her mind. I wait. Something tells me she’s going to make a decision soon enough. She’s already proven that trying to escape is futile.

I want her to refuse. If she does, I’ll have the perfect excuse to peel down those tight white linen pants that outline her ass so perfectly and bare her right here. My cock twitches at the thought of reddening her bare bottom. I hold her gaze, daring her to refuse. Daring her to force my hand.