“You are an absolute fucking asshole, and I wouldn’t have a civil conversation with you if you were the last person on the planet.”
My eyes bug out of my head for a moment. Did she really just say that? I sit there in shock, in utter disbelief at her audacity. I literally just threatened to spank her again, and this is her response? Seriously?
It takes a moment for reality to sink in, for her outrageously rude response to actually make it past my shocked receptors. My eyebrow rises in disapproval of its own accord and my brow furrows into a stern frown.
“Excuse me?” I’m still having trouble accepting that the words I heard actually came from her mouth. She needs discipline so bad.
“You heard me,” she snaps, crossing her arms and trying to get away from me but only partially succeeding.
“Have you forgotten what I promised to do to you if you swore at me again?” I ask, deliberately giving her a chance to back down, apologise, make amends. But she has other ideas.
“Go to hell, asshole.”
I let go of her chin, but I take hold of her upper arm instead, gripping her firmly. She’s thrown out a challenge, and I’m going to rise to it. If she thought I was bluffing before with my threat, she’s going to learn that I’m not. I don’t bluff. I don’t makepromises that I don’t intend to keep, and I don’t make threats that I’m not fully capable of carrying out.
I get to my feet, tugging her up at the same time. She fights me, pulling back, but I don’t let go. I’m done with her nonsense. She’s coming with me and she’s in for a reckoning.
“What has gotten into you, Jade?” I growl as I haul her out into the aisle, transferring my grasp from her arm to the back of her neck and propelling her forward, just as I did the last time we walked this way together. “I gave you a chance to settle down, to make peace, to do this the easy way. And what do…” Before I can finish my sentence, Jade cuts me off, spitting venomously over her shoulder at me.
“Make peace? You don’t want to make fucking peace, you want to control me. You want me to be a good little puppet, dancing to your strings.”
It annoys me that she’s misunderstanding me so hugely. Is she doing it deliberately? Strings? Puppets?
“I’d be happy if you just spoke to me politely,” I reply. “I don’t need a dancing puppet. A bit of respect would be nice, though.”
“Respect goes both ways, Jaxon,” she hisses.
What?I look at her, aghast, so shocked by her implied accusation that I stop dead, right there in the middle of the aisle, half a metre away from the privacy of the toilets. Is she seriously suggesting that I’ve been anything less than respectful in my dealings with her? I shake my head, then propel her forward again, ushering her into the same bathroom I attempted—and evidently failed—to correct her behaviour in just a few hours ago.
Once we’re inside the tiny cubicle with the door locked, I hold her arm tightly, and grab the liquid soap dispenser out of the holder.
“Open your mouth,” I command.
“I don’t fucking think so.”
“I don’t remember giving you a choice.”
“There’s always a choice,” she snarls, venom dripping from her tone. She’s not backing down. She’s not going to make this easy.
Replacing the container of soap in its holder, I spin Jade sideways slightly, pinning her to my hip, and spank her bottom hard, fast, three times. My hand stings, so I know her ass hurts, but she refuses to react.
“Either you open your mouth for the soap, or these pants come down and you’ll get this spanking on your bare bottom.”
That gets a reaction. I try not to let it show how satisfied I am when she looks at me, bitter and furious, but grudgingly opens her mouth. Quickly, before she changes her mind and closes it and the battle starts all over again, I hold the dispenser at the edge of her mouth and press the plunger down, squirting a stream of thick white soap onto her tongue.
Immediately, she screws up her face and I’m sure she’s about to spit it out, so I press my hand under her chin, lifting her face up.
“No, you can keep that in there for a bit and think about why you have soap in your mouth.”
She shakes her head frantically, looking at me with tear-filled eyes, silently begging me to have mercy on her. I don’t. Not yet. I count steadily to twenty in my head.
“I told you what would happen if you used that kind of language, and I gave you multiple chances. But you kept on challenging me, didn’t you, little girl? You kept on pushing—you just had to see whether or not I would follow through. Well, now you know.”
Jade looks pretty desperate now; tears stream down her cheeks and her face is screwed up in disgust. Hopefully she’s learning her lesson. Taking pity on her, I let her go.
“Go on, spit it out.”
She leans over the tiny aircraft sink, spitting repeatedly, her shoulders shuddering and making wretched gagging noises. She’s quiet every few seconds, resting her forehead on the cool wall, probably working her tongue around the inside of her mouth in an attempt to get rid of the last of the soap residue, and spits some more. It’s a long time before she straightens up, but she still doesn’t face me. When she finally does, she’s composed. All traces of her tears and soap have gone. She looks me in the eye.