Emily is the perfect option. She's pretty, sociable with strangers, and she will have no expectations of any kind of romance. We can spend a nice weekend together and then come back to town and resume our normal lives. Schmoozing in black tie is the last thing I want to do for a weekend, but showing Emily around New York will be fun. I slip into my gear and get on the engine.

"What do we have, boys?" I ask the others as we pull out of the station.

"Some tourist is stuck out past the bay and their boat capsized. Get ready to get wet." He smirks at me and the dive team as we pull out of the station.

"Beats rescuing cats out of trees," one of the other guys says and we all laugh.

"Do you think you'll feel beholden to him forever for getting you on the team? I mean, you blew out your knee in the name of the game. I think that might be enough sacrifice," Jack says as we speed toward the harbor.

Jack has always been protective of the people he loves. If he thinks Coach is taking advantage of me he is going to say his piece.

"It's just a weekend of parties. And if it will help the team and Coach, I am glad to do it. Besides, the charity is to help children with cancer—that is something bigger than me.”

"Do you miss it? I know when you first came back it was hard to readjust to small town life."

"I do sometimes. The roar of the crowd and the adrenaline from getting a kick straight through the uprights…I don’t miss the practices, or having to miss important family events. Or feeling like my body is stiff and sore every morning after a game. Not knowing if someone wants to be with me for the fame and fortune or because they really love me." I trail off and Jack shakes his head.

"Julia was a piece of work. Not all women are like her, Mason."

"I know, Jack. I'm just not in a place to start dating in a serious way. If I take Emily then I don’t have to fight off women all night long.”

"Poor Mason has to fight off beautiful models and socialites all evening."

"It sounds great but it's less great when you know they don’t give a damn about you and all they want is a piece of your wealth and fame.”

"When you put it that way it doesn't sound great. You need someone who doesn’t care about all that. A down to earth type of girl.”

"Right now, I just want a date and not someone that is going to expect a relationship out of it."

After this rescue it sounds like I will be going for another cup of coffee. I hope Emily is up for this idea. It would be nice to spend some time with someone who isn't looking for anything from me but friendship and who I don’t have to worry about being dazzled by the lifestyle that I used to live.

I left that all behind because of the injury, but now that I look back on it, despite the fame and the wealth, it was an empty life. Being the hero of Cottage Grove for saving people and even cats from time to time is a lot more rewarding than being praised or criticized due to the game I played.

The more time that passes the more I realize that hurting my knee might have been the best thing that happened to me.

This town is not exciting, but everyone helps out everyone else and pulls together when something goes wrong. That, to me, is worth more than any football contract.

It took me going away and coming back to realize what’s important in life.

Chapter Three


The bells tinkle overthe door and I look up to see Mason walking into the shop.

Why is it that every time I see him my heart beats a little faster? I'm an adult. This stupid crush needs to end. He's never going to see me as anything other than his best friend’s little sister.

"Hey there. Two times in one day, how did I get so lucky?” I smile at him, and he grins back, making my heart flutter faster in my chest.

"There's something I want to talk to you about. Do you have a minute?” He asks and I raise one eyebrow.

What could Mason possibly want to talk about?

"Sure. What’s up?" I ask and lean on the counter.

He shuffles his feet and looks around.

"Is there anyone else in the store?"