“Let me grab my coat and I’ll meet you back here,” I say, still laughing at Mike and Lily.

“I’ll join you,” Lily says.

I smile at her and we walk over to the cloakroom together in comfortable silence. We hand the attendant our numbers and wait as he retrieves our coats.

“I’ve had so much fun getting to know you, Emily,” Lily says. “I can’t wait for the opportunity to get to know you even better. I have no doubt we’ll be the best of friends.”

“I agree.” I give her a hug. “I haven’t forgotten about your book and I’ll be ready to help you when you publish it. I can’t wait for your display in the front window of Books and Brew.”

Lily’s eyes widen as she laughs at me. “Oh the pressure! I had hoped you had forgotten what Mike said about me writing a book.”

“I would never!” I exclaim. “Books are my life and I’m always looking for the next up-and-coming author.”

“That man.” Lily rolls her eyes as she looks toward Mike. “I love him to death but he needs to learn how to keep his mouth shut.”

“Yeah, good luck with that. He doesn’t seem—” I stop mid sentence as out of the corner of my eye in a dark alcove near the exit, I see Julia with her arms draped around Mason and their lips locked. And it’s not a peck. My heart drops to the floor and I feel the color drain from my face.

“Emily?” Lily looks at me with concern lining her face. “Are you okay? Oh—,” she lets out gently, as her eyes lock on what I’m seeing.

“Here are your coats.” I look back and see the attendant handing me two coats.

"Thank you,” I mutter as I quickly grab them and turn to go. I have to get out of here. I immediately turn and start to walk away.

“Emily,” I hear Lily call after me, but I just keep moving toward Adam. As soon as I reach him I shove his coat at him.

“Can we please leave now?” I ask in a tone that brooks no room for questions.

He raises his eyebrows at my behavior but then concern etches his face. “Of course. Are you okay?”

“Emily, what’s wrong?” Mike asks worriedly. I shake my head at him, and immediately start walking toward the exit. Lily will fill him in on the details.

I hear Adam say goodbye to both Lily and Mike as he heads after me. He must've sprinted because he makes it to the door before I do and before I can step out, he grabs my shoulder and closes the door.

“Wait,” he says as I stare up at him, uncertain of why he’s stopping my much needed exit. “Put your coat on. It’s freezing out.” I nod my head. As he helps me put my coat on, the tears start falling from my eyes. I quickly wipe them away.

Thankfully Adam doesn’t say anything as we get into his car. When he starts the engine, but doesn’t start to drive away, I look at him and he hands me a tissue.

Who knew that big football players carried tissues in their pockets? “Thank you,” I whisper and then proceed to loudly blow my nose as he begins the drive to my house.

“Well that was the most unlady-like sound I’ve heard today,” he says with amusement in his voice and I can’t help but giggle.

“Sorry.” I wipe the tears from my face again and take a few deep breaths as I attempt to calm myself.

“Don’t be sorry. That was nothing compared to what the guys do in the locker room.” That has me laughing out loud. “Do you want to talk about it?”

I open my mouth to talk but no words come out.

“I know this is about Mason.” I turn to him with wide eyes and eyebrows raised to the sky and it’s his turn to laugh. “Do you think I didn’t realize the two of you were in love with each other that first night we met? He was ready to rip my head off when I gave you just a bit of attention. I figured if he was going to be that clueless, I could torture him a bit.”

“How nice of you,” I throw at him sarcastically, feeling rejected even though I was never really interested. Emotions are so weird.

“Wait just one second.” He points a finger at me teasingly. “If I thought there was any chance that you would be interested in me I would have been all for it. You’re a beautiful, intelligent woman and I’ve enjoyed every minute I’ve spent with you. But even I can tell from the way you look at him that you’re in love with him too.”

“Well from what I saw in there with Julia—”

“Julia has nothing on you. And I’m sure whatever you saw back there isn't what you think. But Mason will have to be the one to explain that to you.”

As if Mason heard Adam talking, my phone rings. I look at my screen and see Mason’s name. I decline the call.