Next thing I know Mason scoops me up and is carrying me to the firetruck, my own hero rescuing his damsel in distress. I smile at this man who so obviously gets me.

“Shall we ride into the sunset, happily ever after girl?”

My reply is to kiss him soundly.

I hear a “Yes!” from both Jack and Leah as they do what sounds like a high five.



Five years later.

“Mason!” I yell, “Can you grab Jack? He looks like he’s going to run under the table again.” I hold our three year old daughter Leah in my arms as her twin brother runs around screaming. Though she looks like an angel she’s just as bad as he is, unless there are people around. If there are people around she’s angelic.

“I got you!” I hear Mason yell as he picks up Jack and swings him over his head. Jack laughs outrageously and everyone looks over at the both of them smiling. Myself included. I adore my boys.

It’s been five years since Mason and I attended the last gala and so much has changed. Mason and I got married thefollowing September and had a beautiful fall wedding. He looked so handsome in his uniform and both of us cried tears of joy. The entire town was there, of course, and it was beyond perfect.

When the team decided to revisit Cottage Grove this year for the charity event and invited us to attend, we couldn’t turn down the opportunity. Today is the last day and we’re here for brunch. It’s not much different from last time, except of course for the twins.

I look over at Mike and Lily and their two boys. Lily looks at me and smiles. She’s holding Danny as he fights sleep. It’s way past everyone’s nap time and Jack and Michael are beginning to tear up the joint. I hear Mike laugh as Micheal runs under another table near the back of the room. Luckily the brunch is a family friendly affair and everyone’s kids are acting a bit crazy.

"I’m exhausted,” Lily exclaims. “I have to get home and do some writing. This weekend has completely thrown me off schedule.”

“Oooh! Are you almost finished with your next book?” I ask as I sway with Leah who is falling asleep in my arms while Danny reaches out his hand to try and touch her hair.

“Don’t get too excited, it’s only my first draft.”

“Lily, if it’s anything like your last book I have a lot to be excited about!”

Lily and Mike moved to Cottage Grove right after Mason and I got married. They had made the decision to move to town almost immediately after visiting but were waiting for Mike to announce his official retirement. His retirement happened to coincide with me selling my house since Mason and I would only need one. I love having them as neighbors.

Lily’s first book did amazing and her next book has been anticipated by fans all over the world for the past year. Finishing it took her longer than she thought with the boys. Finally, with Mike’s help, she was able to buckle down and almost get it done.I can’t wait to proofread it for her. One of the perks of loving books and having the author be a close friend.

I find my gaze searching for my husband and it falls on him across the room talking to my brother. Leah is holding Jack and cooing at him. Jack has a fistful of her hair and is shoving it in his mouth. I laugh out loud and Mason’s eyes catch mine. I feel the heat in them from across the room and a blush creeps up my face.

The man then has the audacity to wink at me, knowing exactly what he’s doing. I squint my eyes and slowly shake my head at him with a look that speaks volumes.

“I’ll get you later, Mr. Sanderson,” I mouth.

“Promise, Mrs. Sanderson?” He mouths back and I throw my head back and laugh again startling Leah.

“Emily?” Lily’s voice interrupts my silent conversation with my handsome husband and I turn my smile on her. I didn’t even realize she was talking to me.

“You two.” She rolls her eyes at me.

“Seriously? Have you seen you and Mike? You two make sugar taste like salt.”

She lets out a chuckle. “What can I say? I have the absolute best husband in the world, and I know it.”

"The second best,” I say looking up at Mason as he and a very sleepy looking Jack make their way over to me.

“I think these two are ready for a nap.” He leans in and kisses me. My nerve endings tingle. “To be honest I may be too. This little devil might be the death of me.”

“Had you running a few obstacles, did he?” I ask with a chuckle as I run my finger down Jack’s cheek. He grabs it with both hands and tries to shove it in his mouth. I bop his nose and pull my hand away. “Where are my brother and Leah?”

“I’m not sure. They said they had somewhere to head off to. Leah said she would give you a call later.” I squint my eyes at himand tilt my head. Mason shrugs his shoulders with a very clear “don’t ask me” look.