I just stand there. Then I make my way over to the couch and lay back down. I watch Jack go from window to window as he pulls up the blinds and opens each one.

I throw my arm over my eyes and growl. “What are you doing? It’s freezing out!”

“Dude your house needs an airing out and you need a shower.” I can see him holding his breath until he gets to the next window, then he inhales a frigid breath and holds it again until he gets to the next.

When he finally walks over to me, he gives me a look I know means business and a tone that is not one for arguing with.

“Mason, either you get up, get in the shower, and shave willingly or I’m going to call the entirety of the fire department to come over and make you. What’s it going to be?”

The sternness is lost a bit because he’s holding his nose, and under other circumstances I’d laugh at him for being ridiculous. But, the fact that I need to even think about what he’s saying snaps something inside of me. I knew I was in bad shape but this visit is a wake up call. I drag myself up off of the couch and I walk what feels like a mile to the bathroom.

When I pass the mirror I don’t even recognize the reflection. I pause and stop to look at the man staring back at me. My eyes are red rimmed, there is at least an inch of growth on my face and my hair is shooting up in all different directions. I look exactly how I feel. Terrible.

“I don’t hear the water running,” Jack’s voice snaps me out of my trance.

“You’re bossy!” I whisper, afraid of what he’ll do if I say it too loudly. “I just need a few minutes.”

“Not when you look and smell the way you do. Chop, Chop!” He claps and I jump. I snarl at him and then slam the door in hisface. I hear him laugh from the other side and I roll my eyes. I turn the water on and wait for it to warm up. When the hot water hits my face, I feel something for the first time in a week.

When I’ve done the bare minimum but am technically showered, I head into my room and put on some joggers and a t-shirt from a pile. I catch the scent of eggs wafting from the kitchen and my stomach roars.

“Dude, I know you haven’t showered in at least a week but when was the last time you ate?”

I shrug. I honestly have no clue. I take a seat at the table and rest my head on my hands.

“How are you still alive?” He asks.

“I’m not sure I am.”

“Trust me, you are, though you definitely smelled like you were dying.” He looks at me with a teasing glint in his eye.

“Well aren’t you just the comedian today,” I snipe as he slides a dish of scrambled eggs and a cup of black coffee in front of me. One thing that can be said about firemen is that they take their cooking seriously. Jack is amazing when it comes to making breakfast and these eggs are heaven.

“You had me worried, I thought for sure you’d be back to the station by now.” I can feel Jack’s gaze on my face as I shovel the food in my mouth. I’m beyond starving. “You know Em is a mess too.”

I freeze, my hand halfway to my mouth, and look at him. “She is?”

“Yeah, Leah had to have her own intervention. She went to Emily’s house yesterday.”

I shove another fork full of eggs in my mouth and take a sip of coffee. “Jack, what am I going to do? I messed everything up.”

“First off, you hurt her but you apologized, and you told her what happened. You didn’t do anything wrong—well except takeJulia to the brunch. That was just plain stupid.” I slap my hand to my forehead when I think about how dumb that was.

“Second, you know how stubborn my sister can be. She’s just scared. I always knew she cared about you, I just didn’t know you felt the same. Now we’re gonna fix it.”

“She made it very clear that she didn’t want to fix it,” I sigh, feeling the heaviness overtake me again. A reminder of why I’ve been holed up in my home, on the couch, in the dark for the last week.

“Like I said. She’s stubborn and scared. A very bad combination for my hopelessly romantic sister.” He shakes his head and then whispers. “But, Leah and I have a plan.”

I look around to see if someone else came into the house while I was in the shower and then turn back to him. “Why are you whispering?”

“Sorry. Leah and I have been planning at the store and having to whisper so Emily doesn’t hear.”

“Planning?” I look at him like he’s lost his marbles.

“Yes. Planning. You and Emily are two of the most stubborn people I’ve ever met. Emily won’t listen to anyone, and you,” he throws his hands up at me. “You’re over here living in a cave smelling like you haven’t showered in a year. I’ve had enough. I can’t live a happy life while the two people I love the most, who just happen to be in love with each other, are miserable!”

My eyes are about to pop out of my head and my mouth drops to the floor. I snap my mouth closed. “Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?”