“No,” I reply a bit too quickly. I hear him full out laugh at me.

“You’re not dreaming happily ever after girl,” he gently kisses my cheek and I feel that simple touch all the way to the tips of my toes.

I’m on cloud nine. Mason just told me he loves me and kissed me. And what a kiss. His hand on my lower back, as he walks me back inside, is both possessive and gentle. I remember I’m wearing his jacket and slip it off and hand it back to him.

“Here you go,” I turn to him and can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face.

“Mason. I’ve been looking for you. Where were you?”

I completely forgot about Julia. For a moment the entire world disappeared and there was only Mason and I. Reality is now intruding.

I feel my smile start to slip from my face but feel Mason’s whispered words put it right back in place.

“We both have some people to let down gently. I’ll call you later, okay?”

“Sounds good.” I turn away from Mason and start to walk away. “Hi, Julia. It was nice to see you again.” The look on her face has me almost laughing out loud, but I decide to restrain myself and just keep smiling instead.

“Emily,” Lily’s voice grabs my attention. I look over to my left and see her and Mike walking toward me. When I meet up with them Lily gives me a kiss on the cheek.

“Did Mason man up?” Mike teases. “Ouch! What did you do that for?”

“That was uncalled for and rude, Mike. She’s not one of the boys.” She uses her fingers to make air quotes when she says the word boys. Then she turns her full attention to me. “Well, did he?” She asks slyly.

"Hey! So you can ask, but I can’t?”

A laugh escapes me. I already adore both of them and know we’re going to be lifelong friends.

“Of course,” his beautiful wife replies. “I’m a woman. We can ask those types of questions to each other.”

“You two are too much.” I shake my head with a smile. “And to answer your question, he did indeed,” I follow Lily’s example and do air quotes, “‘man up’.”

“Yes!” Mike pumps his fist in the air. “I knew he could do it.”

“Michael!” Lily slaps him on the shoulder but can’t stop herself from laughing. “We both knew from the moment we saw youwith Mason that you were perfect for each other. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you both snapped out of denial.”

“I’m still in a bit of shock honestly.” My cheeks are beginning to hurt as this smile won’t leave my face.

“Emily! There you are,” Adam exclaims. “Do you feel better after getting some fresh air? Mike, Lily,” he says, reaching out a hand to Mike and giving Lily a kiss on the cheek.

He’s really a great guy. Just not the one for me. “Yes, it was exactly what I needed.” I smile at him.

“Are you ready to eat?”

“Actually, yes. I’m starving,” I respond.

We head over to the lavish buffet with Mike and Lily and then we grab an elaborately laid table to eat. We have an hour or so left of the event before we can leave. It will give me some time to mull over how to break it to Adam. Once I’m in the car with him I’ll try letting him down easy. Though something tells me he’s really just been enjoying my company and not looking for anything serious. Which means letting him down easy, will be well, easy.

I enjoyed my time with Mike, Lily, and Adam. Conversation flowed effortlessly and they filled me in on the team pranks they used to rile each other with. I can’t wait to tease Mason about some of the gems I’ve learned. I never realized how much like brothers teammates truly are. Apparently targeting one another was a way of showing their acceptance and respect.

Occasionally, I would find myself looking around the room for Mason while eating and more than once I caught his gaze on me. Each time he would wink at me, and I would feel heat creep upmy face. I swear he kept doing it for the sole purpose of making me blush, and if I’m honest, I loved every minute of it.

“Are you ready to go?” Adam interrupts my thoughts, bringing me back to the present moment.

“Yeah. As much fun as I have had, this was also exhausting. I don’t know how all of you do it.” I glance at Lily since I know the guys thrive on being in the limelight. If I’ve learned anything about football players during these events it’s that they’re all extroverts. These types of events fuel them.

“Oh, don’t let her fool you.” Mike looks adoringly at Lily. “She loves it almost as much as I do.”

Lily looks back at Mike with the same love in her eyes. “Maybe just a bit.” She holds her thumb an inch from her pointer finger.