“It’s a cool spot. I go every morning for coffee—it’s the best in the state. Her partner Leah is a baker and she makes mouth watering pastries and cakes. The team hired her to make the desserts for the Gala and the charity events.”

“Going all local, that’s smart.” Mike nods his head.

“How are the residents of this little town doing with the influx of people they are getting?”

“We are doing great.” Emily smiles. “We had a decent amount of time for a heads up which allowed for some of the businesses to hire part-time help or ask family and friends to pitch in. It’s the best part about Cottage Grove. Everyone in this town would do anything to help anyone.”

“You are making it sound better and better with every word you say. What do you say, Lily? Are you ready to ditch the big city and move to a small town after this season?”

“What do you mean after this season?” I frown at my friend.

“I’m done with the game and the drama. I’m getting too old for all that and we want to start a family. I want to be able to play with my kids, Mason. Not have to get a crane to lift me off the ground. I’ve made plenty of money and invested it well. We’re comfortable and want out of the city.”

“Have you told Coach?”

“We had a conversation. My contract is up this year and they are waiting for me to re-up or retire. Lily and I talked about it and I’m choosing to retire. And Lily is writing a novel.”

“Mike, that was a secret!” Lily looks at Emily and her face loses all color.

“You don’t think that is why I was friendly do you? Because you own a bookstore?”

Emily laughs. “Not a chance. Tell me about this book. How fun would it be to have my shop host you a book launch party! Oh, and Leah could cater with all the customer favorites—maybe even do up a cake to look like your cover.”

Lily laughs and puts her hands out. “Wait, I’m only on the fifth chapter, it will be some time before book covers and launch parties are needed.”

“When it’s time your first party will be at Book and Brew.”

“That’s very kind of you. What if it’s bad?” Lily whispers.

“First, I don’t think it will be. But if it is, well, we’ll have a bash to celebrate that you had the courage to write one at all.”

Tears well up in Lily’s eyes. “We are moving here, Mike. Let’s go house shopping tomorrow!”

“I’d recommend Paige. She is going to be your best friend if you keep reeling people in like this.” I bump Emily’s shoulder. “If you guys are serious you should give her a call. She’s fantastic.” Emily scribbles a number on a napkin and hands it to Lily.

“I hate to break up this party but I’ve got to get to the station for the overnight shift.” Reluctantly, I stand up from the table.

“It was really great seeing you again, Mason. And of course, a pleasure meeting you, Emily.” Mike says as he stands as well.

“I will see you in the morning.” Lily waves at Emily as she and Mike walk out.

“Your friends are fantastic,” Emily gushes as we walk out into the cool night air. “I expected them to be reserved and maybe put off by our small town atmosphere. But now they are talking about moving here. It would be amazing to have an author living in town.”

I can’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm. Emily has always been a ray of sunshine and energy and I forgot how much I appreciate it. Julia’s enthusiasm was limited to things like a high end handbag or a party where she could be seen by the “right” people. Emily’s honest emotions are like a breath of fresh air.

“Do you want to come to the station and have dessert with me?” I ask as we walk back to my car. “Johnson makes the best key lime pie you’ve ever had. I can run you home after.”

“But you’re working. What if you get called out? I don't want to be in the way. Plus what would the Captain say?” She teases and I shake my head.

I feel a now familiar smile creep on to my face that has everything to do with Emily and how I feel around her.

“You’re a good person. Sometimes I wonder if you’re too good to be true.”

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were flirting with me, Mason.” She smirks and looks at me.

“What if I am? Would that bother you?” I pause, inching the smallest bit closer. “I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you.” My gaze holds hers and my voice deepens as I try to convey without words how I really feel.

She looks down at the parking lot and I feel the last bit of resistance break inside of me. I reach over and tilt her chin up until our eyes connect. I hold her gaze with a question lingering. I want to kiss her and I so want her answer to be yes, but I won’t make a move without her permission. There is a hesitation before a small smile makes its way to her lips. As I lean in toward her, I feel the warmth of her hand on my chest.