“I love that. We could make him give them a tour of the field where he started with juniors all those years ago and the high school field where he caught the attention of the scouts. It would be a great package to offer at the auction or even just make it exclusive and invite all the boosters for a tour.”

“Whoa wait, don’t I get a say in any of this?” I ask and the two of them barely glance at me before they continue scheming. The last thing I want is to make this even more about me. “This is a small fishing town. There aren’t any high-end restaurants or five-star hotels with all the amenities that our boosters are used to.”

“That is the entire point, Mason,” Coach responds.

Emily joins in as she turns that high wattage smile in my direction. “They get to experience something new and different.They get an intimate look into the place that built a legend. I’m sure the Lodge has rooms, plus there are a bunch of bed and breakfasts around,” Emily says, clapping her hands. “This would be so great for the local businesses.”

Her excitement is contagious and it’s my turn to feel heat creeping up my cheeks. Hearing Emily call me a legend makes me want to sit straighter in my chair. I’m usually unfazed by all the compliments regarding my career. It’s something that a pro athlete gets pretty jaded about as the years go by. But hearing Emily say it is like hearing it for the first time.

“Let’s give Stan a quick call and let him know that Cottage Grove is on board with having the gala moved here. Mason growing up here and now being on the fire department and one of the rescue divers will make an even greater impact. The boosters rarely get to see a player turn into a real life hero.”

Emily is nodding a smile on her face as Coach dials Stan’s number. I find myself warming up to the idea of being the center of attention because seeing that smile on Emily’s face is everything. I find myself wanting to see that smile directed at me.

What is going on with me? This is Emily. Jack’s little sister.Yet knowing that doesn’t change the emotions rising up within me.

I listen to the call and feel my muscles ball up with tension.

This will be great for the town and Emily.

With that final thought, I sit back in my chair and grin. It looks like Cottage Grove is going to host its first-ever gala.

“Do you really think the town can handle something this big? Most of the boosters are multi-millionaires, if not billionaires. Do you think our small town can pull something like this off?"

Emily stops in the middle of the sidewalk and throws her hands in the air.

“Mason, have you forgotten where you live? Everyone in this town is family and what does family do when something is hard? They band together. We need this. I know you have all the money in the world and work at the station because you need a purpose, but some of the businesses here are struggling. People don’t want to come to a lazy fishing village on vacation. They want to go on a tropical cruise, or hike a glacier, or sit in the sun on a beach and drink umbrella drinks.

“We have to find something to lure the people here. The ski resort is great but that’s seasonal business.” She gives me a bit of a smirk before adding, “But you, you are all year round. If you are the draw, I’m fine with that because it will keep the bookstore in business which means I will eat at the Crab Shack and shop at the hardware store. You get my drift. The more people we get to come here and patronize the shops, the more we can help our little town survive.”

I feel something shift in my chest at her words. I look down at her and feel a smile creep across my face. I don’t see my friend’s little sister, or the girl I had a secret crush on in high school. I see a woman with sunny blonde hair, blue eyes and pink cheeks from the chill, who has a passion for the place she calls home. It makes me feel a bit ashamed of myself that I don’t feel the same way about my home as she does.

“You’re right. We need to spread the word so everyone is ready for what’s coming their way. This town is lucky to have you, Em.”

She shrugs as we reach the door to the bookstore. “I just love it here and I know if other people see what I do, they would never want to leave.”

“It sure made an impression on Coach. As did you. He will be singing your praises for a long time to come. I’ve never seen him that relaxed and open and I’ve known the guy for over ten years.”

She smiles and looks everywhere but my face. “Cottage Grove did that,” she says shyly.

Do I make her nervous?

To test my theory, I step closer into her space. Emily stumbles trying to back up and I reach for her.

“Easy there, tiger,” I say, still holding on to her arms.

“Thank you,” she whispers.

Still holding her arms, I look down and see those crystal blue eyes staring back up at me. I’m caught in the deep blue pools. I feel myself start bending toward her. Suddenly, the only thought I have is touching her lips with mine.

The bells of the bookstore jingle and Leah interrupts my movement.

“Hey Em, do you know where the inventory sheets are from last week?”

I drop my arms suddenly and Emily steps back.

She looks at Leah. “They are in the back room on my desk.”

Leah looks from me to Emily. “Am I interrupting something here?”