
“Hey Coach, sorry tokeep you waiting, we had an emergency at the station.” I stand up a little taller as if I’m waiting for inspection.

“You can stand down Sanderson, this isn't an inspection.” Coach chuckles and I feel my muscles relax a little. It’s been a hell of a day and I can’t wait to get some grub and a beer.

“My friend Emily is going to join us. She’s my date for the gala and charity events. I don’t want her to be too nervous so I figured if she knew at least one friendly face it would be a plus.”

“You should have told me you were dating someone when I asked if you needed me to get you a date. She’s a local girl?” Coach asks and I shake my head.

“It’s not like that. She’s the sister of my oldest friend and we grew up together. She’s like a sister to me.”

My thoughts turn to Emily sitting on her stool in the bookstore lost in a book with a surprise look on her face as I interrupt her. She looked adorable as that blush crept into her cheeks. My heartbeat stutters at the memory and then I shake the thought out of my head. She should be like a sister to me, I’ve known her all my life. But ever since I returned to Cottage Grove, there is something different about her.

Those feelings I had in high school were just because we were around each other a lot and she wasn’t like the other girls. She was smart, funny, beautiful, and she didn’t care about hair, clothes or makeup. She read books and cared about things bigger than who was dating who in our high school.

But she was, and is, Jack’s little sister. They are both family to me. Whatever feelings I am having need to be tampered.

“Hey, Sanderson? Where did you go? I’ve been talking to you for the last few minutes, and you haven’t heard a word I said. Thinking about that girl who is like your sister?” Coach smirks and puts the last words in air quotes.

“No, I was not thinking about Emily.” I try to make it sound like that’s the dumbest thing in the world.

“Who is this handsome man you have with you, Mason?” The sound of her voice is music to my ears.

I watch as she walks toward our table and a smile spreads across my face. As she unwraps her scarf and shrugs out of her coat, she looks like a ray of sunshine in a yellow sweater, jeans and a pair of brown leather mid-calf boots. Her hair flows down her back and eyes sparkle at Coach. A little twinge of jealousy hits me as she extends her hand and gives him a big smile.

“You must be Emily. Mason didn’t tell me what a beauty you would be.” Coach says and Emily blushes making my heart beat harder in my chest.

“Thank you,” she says looking away, that adorable blush staining her cheeks. She immediately changes the topic. “I hopeI didn’t keep you waiting too long. The Crab Shack has the best seafood in Maine.” Coach gives me a big wink as Emily takes her seat.

“This one’s a keeper I can tell. Don’t you let her get away,” he says leaning over and whispering to me. What part of “she’s like my sister” did he not hear?

“That was the best meal I’ve ever had. You weren’t kidding when you said the seafood was fresh, and those corn biscuits...” Coach grabs his stomach and groans, making Emily laugh.

I notice a few heads turn at the sound and a few of the men are giving her appreciative smiles. I glare at them until they turn back in their chairs. Emily isn’t something to be ogled at.

“This town is beautiful. I was sharing some of the views with the team owner while I was waiting for Mason.”

I didn’t think it was possible for Emily’s smile to get brighter.

“It’s my favorite place,” she says. “I’ve never wanted to leave here. Travel sure, but find a home in another place, not a chance. Nothing beats Cottage Grove.”

“I can see that. What would you think about having the gala and charity events here instead of New York?”

My eyes widen in shock.Have the gala and charity events in Cottage Grove?

“The team owner was already suggesting it after seeing pictures. Plus, his wife is an avid skier and Camden Snowbowl is one of her favorites.” Coach continues. “The team event planner checked in with the ski resort and they had a cancellation at the Yacht House on the weekend of the gala. We could have the Crab Shack cater. The food is amazing and a lot more refined than thename suggests.” Coach blushes a bit at this comment and Emily pats his arm as she giggles.

My stomach flutters at the sound.

“The name makes you think of some hole in the wall: amazing food but you’re not too sure food poisoning isn’t in your future.”

“Young lady, are you reading my mind?” Coach asks her with a chuckle.

I feel like I’m at a tennis match as I watch them banter back and forth. Coach has never been a friendly man. Fair and kind, yes. But never friendly like this. I’ve never seen him so relaxed. I feel my heart expand as I look at Emily. Her presence tends to have that effect on people.

“We would love to host your gala. This town may be small, but we know how to throw an elegant party,” Emily says and I look as Coach nods.

“It would be a great change of pace, something fresh and different from the same events in the city. It would give our boosters a glimpse of where the great Mason Sanderson comes from.”