The inside of the truck grew quiet. When Luis caressed Buck's stomach, Dallas parted Luis's legs a little and moved toward the middle of the seat. Luis felt a lump in his throat. He was certain Dallas was ready to go down on him right there in the truck and he didn't know what to do about it. But Dallas simply gazed down between Luis's legs and continued to fondle the bottom of his ass. A few minutes later, Dallas sat back and said, “You can get dressed now. We're almost there.”

Luis blinked. Then he quickly climbed off Buck's lap and put on his clothes. By the time they stopped, Luis was dressed and he noticed the Tahoe had pulled up right behind them. He'd been turned around and spanked so many times he'd lost track of his friends. He wasn't sure whether or not Matthias had been able to keep up. Buck had been driving fast and they'd gone down some bumpy, winding roads. Luis didn't know where he was.

Buck set the truck in park and said, “You're a real nice guy. And you're just as purty in person as you are in your pictures.”

“I had fun,” Dallas said. He reached down and tried to slide his hand down Luis's pants one more time. “You sure are a sweet thing.”

But before Dallas had a chance to do much more, Matthias knocked on the driver's door and poked his head through the open window. He looked at Luis first and asked, “Everything okay in here?”

Dallas pulled his hand away from Luis's pants.

Luis gulped. “Everything's fine.” He just wanted to get out of the truck and get back with his friends.

“You sure?” Matthias said.

“I'm sure. Buck and Dallas are nice guys.”

Buck gestured toward the windshield with his right hand and said, “There you are. That's the Glatenfrissle compound.”

Luis leaned forward. All he saw were two tall iron gates attached to a tall iron fence. Beyond that, there was nothing but thick, dark brush.

“Is there any way to get inside?” Matthias asked. His tone hadn't lightened up yet. He was still glaring at them.

Buck and Dallas exchanged glances. Then Buck said, “I think we're gonna head on out. Dallas, open the door so he can get out now. We've gone far enough. We told you we'd show you where it is, and we're out of here. There's nothing in that old place we need to see.”

Luis wondered why they turned somber so quickly. One minute they were laughing and smiling and the next they were almost brooding. But he didn't wait around to ask. He climbed over Dallas, got out of the truck, and walked over to stand beside Matthias.

Buck winked at Luis and said, “Thanks, baby. We had fun.” Then he turned the truck around, honked the horn twice, and sped down the road.

When they were gone, Matthias put his arm around Luis and asked, “Are sure you're okay?”

Luis exhaled and said, “I'm fine.”

“What the fuck was going on inside that truck?” Matthias asked. “I almost lost you more times than I can count. They were driving like madmen. All we could see was you bouncing around between them. And it looked as if you weren't dressed. I was afraid we'd find you dead in a ditch somewhere.”

Luis shrugged and said, “You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I still don't believe it. But I really am fine. They are absolutely harmless.” In the future, Luis would forget what happened with Buck and Dallas. They could have forced him to do anything; they could have fucked his brains out and he would have been helpless. But all they wanted to do was pull down his pants and horse around with him. It would be one of the most peculiar experiences of his life, and an experience with which he'd go to his grave.

Hood, Beth Anne, and Blaze walked over to them. Hood looked up at the tall iron gates and frowned. “Well, I guess this is about all we're going to see of the compound.”

Matthias removed his arm from Luis and he walked up to the gates. He jiggled a thick chain that was wrapped around the gates to keep them secure and one of the rusted chain links cracked in half. Matthias looked back at them and said, “Let's go inside and see what's there. We came this far, we might as well.”

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* * *

Chapter Twelve

Hood and Matthias tried to open the iron gates but the chain wouldn't come off completely. So both guys managed to spread them apart enough so that everyone could squeeze through where the gates met in the center. Then they managed to pass to the other side themselves. Hood caught his pant leg on one of the iron scrolls. It didn't cut him, but the only way for him to break free was to take off his pants and leave them hooked to the fence. Good thing he was wearing dark gray wearing boxer shorts that night. In the darkness, it looked as if he were wearing loose running shorts instead of underwear.

When Matthias laughed and said he and Luis should remove their pants so Hood wouldn't feel awkward being the only guy in his underwear, Luis shrugged and admitted he already wasn't wearing underwear. Beth Anne screamed and laughed. She dared Luis to walk around with his pants off. Blaze rolled her eyes and gazed up at the tall trees looming over them, as if she wasn't interested in seeing Luis with his pants off. Hood actually got a little rowdy and tried to pull Luis's sweatpants down. Luis grabbed his waistband and held tightly. His pants had been off enough that night. But Blaze had nothing to worry about. Luis told Beth Anne she could stop laughing. Luis had no intention of trespassing on private property, stark naked from the waist down.

The long dirt road that led them back to the main house on the compound grew narrower with each step they took. Matthias had thought ahead and brought along two flashlights. Though the rain had stopped and the sky was now clear, the road was still soggy and there were muddy patches everywhere they stepped. As a runner, Luis didn't mind it. He'd run in all kinds of weather, from deep snow to the worst rainstorms. He'd grown used to it and he'd learned how to navigate the roughest terrain in Alaska without having to look down constantly. But Beth Anne and Blaze kept falling and tripping. At one point Beth Anne actually kicked Matthias in the ass and said, “This is shit for the fucking birds. I want to go back.”

Blaze, now covered in mud from the knees down, said, “I agree.”

But Matthias said, “We've come this far. We may as well just check it out.”

At one point, Luis missed a rock in the middle of the road. Hood was walking behind him, and he reached out with both arms and caught Luis before he fell right into a large, muddy puddle. It wouldn't have been the first time Luis had fallen. He'd gone down many times as a runner and he knew how to fall without hurting himself. But it was nice to have Hood catch him just in time so he wouldn't be covered in mud. Only he could have lived without Hood sliding his hand down his pants when the others weren't looking. The others were a few feet ahead, walking with Matthias. And they didn't hear Hood say, “I'm so fucking horny right now I could bend you over a tree stump.”