Dallas said, “We'd be happy to take you there. Just hop in and tell your friends back there to follow us. It's not that far.”

Luis hesitated for a moment. They seemed friendly enough, and they were fans of his work. So he lifted his arm and waved at everyone standing in front of the Tahoe. “Follow us. It's not far.” Then he walked around to the passenger side of the truck and opened the door.

Dallas leaned back and said, “Climb over me. You can sit in the middle.”

Luis thought he'd be on the end. Now he wasn't so sure about all this. But when he glanced around and saw that everyone was inside the Tahoe and the headlights were on, he didn't want to let them down. And he was afraid he might get Buck and Dallas angry if he changed his mind, which he didn't want to do. So he lifted his leg and jumped into the truck. But when he tried to lift his leg over Dallas's legs, he lost his footing and fell face first into Buck's lap.

Buck laughed and spread his legs wider. Dallas grabbed Luis's ass and squeezed it a few times. Luis was wearing the black sweatpants and no underwear. When they'd lost electricity at the cabin Luis had decided to stay dressed the way he was. When Dallas discovered Luis wasn't wearing underwear, he pulled down the back of Luis's sweatpants and squeezed him harder.

Luis sat up fast and situated himself between them. His pants were still down below his waist and his face felt flush. But before he had a chance to tell them he wanted to get out and go back to his friends, Dallas slammed the door and Buck hit the gas.

At least Luis knew Matthias and the others were following. He looked back and saw the headlights. But when Luis turned, Dallas pulled Luis's sweatpants down to his knees and grabbed him by the waist. Luis tried to fight back, and told them to stop. But Dallas, laughing so hard he almost choked, was too strong for Luis to resist. Dallas wound up lifting Luis up and setting Luis on his lap. No matter how hard Luis tried to break free, Dallas's hands were everywhere. He groped Luis's ass, he groped between Luis's legs, and he ran his big hands up Luis's black sweatshirt and groped Luis's chest. It wasn't long before Luis's pants were down around his ankles and his sweatshirt was up over his shoulders.

When Buck saw that Luis was practically naked, sitting on Dallas's lap, he started punching the steering wheel and shouting, “Fuck, yeah,” over and over again. Then he reached over with his right hand and started grabbing Luis's naked body. “Looks just as good as the magazines.”

Luis tried to stop them. He kept repeating, “Let me go, guys. I'm serious. Let me go, you fools. You never said anything about this. You lied to me just to get me in here with you.” Then he fell into Dallas's chest and started laughing so hard he couldn't catch his breath. The problem was that they weren't hurting him. They weren't putting him in danger and they weren't serious about what they were doing. When they groped him, they tickled him on purpose in a playful way. They were, in fact, forcing him to do what they wanted. But it wasn't being done in a mean way that would cause Luis any harm. Some gay men, Luis knew all too well, would have paid escorts thousands of dollars for a scene like this. Luis knew they were joking around and he knew he wasn't in any danger. If he had been in danger they would have ditched his friends, pulled into the woods, and raped him by then. These guys were far stronger than he was and they could have overpowered him easily. They were just a couple of simple-minded country boys having a little fun with him. The more they tickled him, the more he laughed.

“Damn, you've got one sweet little ass,” Buck said as he wiggled his fingers between Luis's legs. “Just as purty as it is in your pictures.”

Luis started to cough; he couldn't stop laughing. He caught his breath and said, “Guys, please stop. You're killing me.”

Buck said to Dallas, “I think he likes it. Take his shirt off all the way.”

“No. Seriously, guys. Please don't.” Luis's pants had fallen off his ankles and they were somewhere on the floor. Without his shirt, he'd be wearing nothing but black running shoes. He hadn't even bothered with socks that night.

But Dallas pulled the sweatshirt over Luis's head and tossed it onto the floor. “I'm gonna turn him over and spank him.”

“You guys are fools,” Luis said, trying hard to stop laughing. The only time Jase had ever spanked him had been that one birthday. It was just something they'd never been into in bed.

“Fuck yeah,” Buck said. “Turn him over so I can spank that ass myself.”

When they turned him over, they didn't spank him hard. They took turns patting and squeezing. Luis continued to resist them. His face was between Dallas's legs and he felt Dallas's erection poking through his jeans. But the more he tried to resist, the more they tickled and spanked him.

It reached a point where Luis just lifted his arms and said, “I give up. I can't take anymore.” He was still on his stomach and Buck had a handful of his ass. “Are we almost there?” Luis's biggest fear was that they'd want him to start blowing them, and he didn't want it to go that far.

“Are you gonna be good?” Buck said. “Or are we gonna have to keep spanking you?”

Dallas reached down and squeezed Luis's leg. “Are you gonna come up here and sit on my lap and put your arm around me and play nice?”

At that point, Luis figured it was safer to just play along with them than fight them. From what he could see, they only wanted to play around. They didn't actually want to have sex with him. They weren't even talking dirty. So he lifted his voice and said, “If you both promise to be good boys, I'll sit on your lap and put my arm around you.”

“Take off your shoes,” Buck said.

Luis rolled his eyes. But he removed his black sneakers and said, “Okay, I'm not wearing anything. Will you boys be good now?”

Dallas rubbed his hands together and said, “Okay, we'll be good.”

Luis slowly rose to his knees and turned around. He settled between Dallas's legs and put his arm around Dallas's shoulders. “Can I put on my clothes now?” Luis asked in his softest voice, rubbing Dallas's hairy chest with gentle strokes. His hand went down Dallas's shirt and he rubbed Dallas's stomach, hoping it would calm him down the same way it had calmed Matthias down earlier.

“Not yet,” Dallas said. “Just sit here for a minute and keep doing what you're doing. I like the way you're touching me. Then you have to go sit on my buddy's lap for a few minutes and do the same thing to him.”

Luis didn't have much of a choice. So he continued to rub Dallas's stomach until Dallas told him to go sit on Buck's lap. He didn't like the idea of sitting on Buck's lap while Buck was driving. He wished he was wearing a seat belt. At least Luis didn't have to worry about getting an erection. Normally, if he'd been naked between two good-looking men—and even though they weren't very bright, they were hot as hell—he might have had a harder time controlling himself. But under the circumstances, the last thing on Luis's mind was becoming aroused.