“Calm down, honey,” Beth Anne said to Luis. “She gets this way sometimes. She doesn't mean any harm. She'll get over it.” Then she smiled and leaned into Luis's ear. “Did they all fuck you last night? I had a feeling they would. You can tell me, honey.”

Luis's jaw dropped and he gaped at her.

“Beth Anne,” Matthias said. “Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not polite to kiss and tell?”

“Fuck that,” she said. “Wait until you hear about what happened to me last night. I've never experienced anything like it before.” She turned to Luis and whispered, “Micky and Macky are both uncircumcised.”

Jase said, “Let's go sit down and order something to eat first. I think we could all use a strong cup of coffee right now.”

They sat at the same table with Blaze. Hood sat next to Blaze on one side and Beth Anne sat on her other side. Luis sat as far away from her as possible because his teeth were still clenched over the way she'd treated him. Luis didn't get angry often. He had an even temper with a long fuse that went on for days. People tended to walk all over him and he never raised his voice. But when he finally did reach the point where the veins in his neck were popping, he went right for the throat and didn't care who was listening. If Blaze even looked at him sideways, he wasn't sure he could control himself.

Micky Sheltenfester took their orders and brought out a large fresh pot of coffee. He was smiling and had a slight spring in his step. Beth Anne made a few comments about how well endowed the Sheltenfester brothers were and how they'd turned her sideways, backward, and upside down. But when she started in about the way they'd fucked her in the ass, Matthias stopped her before she went into a detailed explanation. “Too much info, Beth Anne,” he said. “Let's have our coffee first.”

After two cups of strong black coffee and three corn muffins loaded with butter, Luis's fists finally unclenched and he began to feel a little guilty about the way he'd attacked Blaze. After all, she was younger than him. Her maturity level suggested she was more like sixteen than twenty-one. They also had one thing in common that set them apart from all the others: neither one of them had been to college. So when Beth Anne rose and said she was going to the ladies room and she asked Blaze to join her, Luis stood up a minute later and said he had to go to the men's room, hoping to head them off and have a quick talk with Blaze about what had happened with Hood.

Hood seemed to think this was funny. “Are you going to powder your nose with the girls, Luis?” He poked Matthias in the ribs with his elbow and laughed.

Luis glanced down at him and said, “If you'd rather, I'll just piss on you right here instead of going to the bathroom.” Luis knew Hood was only joking. But he'd heard jokes like this before about gay men and it always left him with a bad taste. He'd decided a long time ago that whenever someone cracked a gay joke like that, he'd set the record straight so it didn't happen twice.

Matthias laughed. “Go ahead, Luis. I heard rumors Hood's into getting pissed on sometimes.”

Hood shut his mouth fast and frowned. “I was only joking,” he said. He punched Matthias in the chest and said, “I've done a lot in my life, but no one's ever pissed on me.”

Luis walked around the table and patted Hood on the back. “I know you were only joking around. I was only joking, too. But if you make a remark like that again I really will piss on you.” Then he turned to Jase and smiled. “I'll be right back, baby.”

When Luis went into the bathroom, he crossed to the urinals and pulled down his zipper. It was an old-fashioned bathrooms, with only two urinals, one stall with one toilet, and one lopsided sink. But the white tiles were clean and it smelled like peppermint disinfectant. While he was peeing, the bathroom door opened and in walked Micky Sheltenfester. He walked to the urinal beside Luis's, pulled down his zipper, and yanked out his dick.

Luis didn't want to be obvious. He glanced at Micky and they exchanged smiles. But when Luis went to turn his head again, he glanced down at Micky's urinal and blinked. Luis had never seen such a big, floppy dick in his entire life. Micky had to hold it with both hands and he could have used a third. If Luis put a dick like that on a scale he imagined it would weigh at least three pounds. Then Luis gulped and cleared his throat. If he hadn't been holding his own dick he would have had pressed his hand to his chest and grabbed the sink. No wonder Beth Anne had been in such a good mood that morning. If Micky's brother, Macky, was as well endowed as Micky was, they might never get Beth Anne to leave this little town.

Then Luis zipped up and smiled at Micky again. He washed his hands and left as fast as he could. On his way out, he bumped into Blaze and Beth Anne, knocking Blaze's purse out of her hands. Luis quickly went down and picked up the purse. He handed it to her and said, “Look, I want to apologize for what happened back there. I've been worried about Jase and I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I'm sorry. I really didn't think you'd mind what happened with Hood. I was under the impression you guys weren't a serious couple. At least, that's what I was told. If I'd known you were, I never would have done anything like that.” Then he exhaled and felt a wave of relief pass through his body.

Blaze shrugged and looked up at him. In a soft voice, she said, “It's okay. We aren't really a couple. I was just hoping for more. But I know it's not going to happen with Hood. I shouldn't have been such a bitch either, especially when I know better. I'm sorry, too.”

“Okay,” Beth Anne said, with a great big smile. “Everyone hug and kiss now.”

Luis rolled his eyes at Beth Anne. But he did reach out and hug Blaze. When they returned to the table, he put his arm around her and said, “We're all best friends again.” Luis couldn't stop smiling; he loved nothing more than a happy ending. But he did sent a quick glare in Hood's direction. He was a little angry that Hood hadn't explained how delicate Blaze was. Luis should have been told.

“What did I do?” Hood asked. He really didn't seem to get it.

Luis and Blaze looked at each other and smiled. Blaze said, “Nothing, it's all good now. I'm really okay, Luis.”

A minute after that, two rough young men walked into the cafe and stood in the middle of the seating area and looked around. One wore a black leather jacket and the other a hooded sweatshirt. The one in the leather had black hair down to his shoulders and dark five o'clock shadow. The one in the sweatshirt had lighter, shorter brown hair and a scruffy goatee. They were tall, over six feet, and they both had lean, lanky bodies. Luis thought they were attractive in a rough-trade way, but he kept this to himself.