Luis never had rowdy, idiotic experiences like this before with other guys. He'd never gone to college and he'd never lived in a dorm. His parents had kicked him out of the house when they'd learned he was gay the summer he'd graduated from high school. He'd gone straight from his mother and father right into a relationship with an older man, then escaped from that and moved to New York where he'd floundered around until he'd met Jase. Luis had always wondered what it was like to be in college and do the things people in college did. Sometimes he envied his twin brother, Gage, now that Gage was in nursing school. Luis was paying all of Gage's tuition, yet he'd never gone further than high school.

He didn't have any regrets. He had a good career as a model and he'd been making plans with Hillary about cooking school. He'd never wanted to go to college. But with Hood, the most typical college student Luis had ever met, he was finally finding out what it was like to have a buddy to joke around with.

While they were drying themselves off with the soaking wet towels, Luis snapped his towel against Hood's bare ass and said, “I hope we can be friends. I'm really enjoying you more than I thought I would. I thought you were the quiet one, kind of boring...just a dick without a sense of humor. But you're nothing like that.”

“I am boring. I'm a fucking geek. I'm going to be a fucking dentist.”

“You're far from boring. I haven't laughed this much in a long time, and under these dismal circumstances that says something.” Luis meant every word, from the bottom of his heart. He'd met male models who were ten times better looking than Hood, yet none had an ounce of personality.

Hood turned and snapped his towel against Luis's ass. “I like you, too. You're my bitch for life now, my new BFF.” He laughed. “And to prove it, I'll wear your underwear and you can wear mine.”

They shook hands and Luis said, “It's a deal, idiot.”

On the way to the cafe in town, no one laughed. Blaze didn't smile or speak. She sat in the backseat with her arms folded across her chest and stared out the window with her eyebrows furrowed. Matthias drove again, and Luis sat up front. Jase sat on one end of the backseat and Blaze on the other, with Hood in the middle. Hood kept trying to joke around with her. He poked her in the ribs, tried to tickle her, and told her she looked hot in the bright pink tube top she'd put on that morning. Luis thought it looked trashy; all she needed was a hot pink scrunch-band for her hair to finish the outfit. But Blaze just kept sending Hood glares and jerking away from him.

Luis had a feeling it was because Blaze wasn't too happy about what he'd done with Hood that morning. The cold shower hadn't helped her mood. But Luis sat still with his hands folded on his lap, and remained silent. This was none of his business. Besides, he'd never been in a situation like this before, especially not with a woman. As far as he knew, Blaze and Hood weren't officially a couple. Matthias had said they were just friends. Luis would never have slept with Hood if he'd thought they were a couple.

When they reached the edge of town, Matthias said, “I hope we can find Beth Anne.” He laughed. “She might never want to leave this town after a night with the horse-hung Sheltenfester boys.”

Luis had been wondering about Beth Anne. She'd told them Micky would drop her off in the morning. When she never showed up, he figured it was none of his business.

“I'll bet she had more fun than I had,” Blaze said. She clenched her fists in her lap. “I should have spent the night with her.”

Luis wished his best friend, Hillary, was there. Hillary would have had Blaze for breakfast with a smile and a sentence. Hillary would have known what to do. Luis made a mental note to make sure he introduced Hillary to Hood. He had a feeling they'd like each other a lot. Luis didn't believe in fixing people up, but simple introductions never hurt anyone. If they didn't fall in love, at least they'd be friends.

Hood tried to put his arm around Blaze, but she recoiled. “I thought we had fun last night, baby,” Hood said in a patronizing tone.

Blaze said, “It sounded to me like you had a lot more fun this morning without me, baby.” Then she punched the window and said, “And don't fucking call me baby anymore. I'm not your fucking baby, you shit.”

Luis turned and glanced at Jase. Jase rolled his eyes and covered his mouth so they wouldn't see him smile. Evidently he thought this was humorous.

Luis wished he'd thought to bring coffee with him. He wasn't in the mood to deal with a temper tantrum, especially from someone with raspberry hair in a hot pink tube top. There was a coffee maker in the cabin and he could have used a good strong cup that morning. It was already after twelve and he still couldn't seem to wake up. His legs were a little sore, and so were his wrists. When Hood had lifted him off the ground, he'd rested all his weight on the maple dresser top for balance and he'd used his wrists to do it. He almost laughed out loud. He'd never had sore wrists from too much sex.

The rain had let up a little and now it was only drizzling. Matthias parked in front of the cafe and Luis looked around and said, “I've never seen a place so desolate. It's as if no one lives in this town. There are no signs of life anywhere.”

“There are a lot of little towns like this in Alaska,” Jase said, without realizing it.

Luis and Matthias looked at each other, and Luis turned toward Jase. “Do you remember those towns? Are memories returning to you?”

Jase shrugged his shoulders. “I'm not even sure why I said that. I guess maybe I'm starting to remember in bits and pieces. Alaska just popped into my head.”

When they entered the cafe, it was almost empty. The large woman who'd been there the night before was at the same table, but now she was wearing a yellow and white striped tent dress instead of the black and white polka dot affair. The minute the door slammed shut, Beth Anne pounded through the kitchen doors with one of the Sheltenfester brothers. “Hey,” she said. “Where have you all been? It's almost one o'clock in the afternoon. I was going to ask Micky and Macky to take me back to the cabin, but then decided to just wait for you guys right here.”

Matthias said, “We slept late.” He smiled at Luis. “It was a long night.”

Blaze rolled her eyes and said, “Matthias and Hood discovered a few of Luis's special hidden talents and lost track of time.”

Luis turned fast. “Listen,” he said. “If you think I'm going to take shit from you, you'd better think twice.” He'd had enough of her for one morning.

Blaze twirled her finger above her head and said, “Blah, blah, blah...” Then she crossed the room and sat down at the same table they'd used the night before.