Luis sighed. “Then I guess we can't see it.”

“No one says we can't sneak inside,” Matthias said. He glanced over at Hood. “We're not going to harm anything. We just want to see what the compound looked like.”

“It can't hurt anyone,” Hood said. “Besides, no one will ever know we were even there.”

“I don't know, guys,” Jase said. “Even though it's been abandoned for so long, it still sounds like an invasion of privacy. It might be better to leave well enough alone.”

When Jase said this, Luis kissed him on the cheek. Though Jase couldn't remember much, he still had a decent set of standards and ethics. Jase would have said the exact same thing if he hadn't lost his memory. “I have to think about it now,” Luis said. “I didn't know it was so complicated. I was picturing a vacant farm, but this sounds more like a shrine of sorts. Maybe we can ask around town and see if there's a way to get permission to get inside and look around. Maybe someone in town still owns the property. We'll tell them we're just curious because the Glatenfrissles sounded so interesting.”

Jase yawned. “I'm just hoping I remember some of my life tomorrow. It's a strange feeling I can't even explain.”

Luis held Jase's hand and said, “I wish I could at least go online and bring up Elena's blog. I've written so many posts about our lives on that blog it might help bring back your memory.”

Matthias sent Luis a sarcastic glance. “Oh God. You blog?” Then he rolled his eyes. “Please tell me you're not one of those people who blog.”

Luis glanced back and raised his left eyebrow. “Yes, I blog. Don't be so smug, doctor. There's nothing wrong with blogging, so don't give me any attitude either. I have a very large following. I'm even thinking about starting my own blog in the near future.” He'd been contributing to Elena's blog for a long time now. But it wasn't the same anymore, at least not for Luis. This had nothing to do with Elena. Her blog was still wonderful; she still created a magical place for her gay readers to escape, with artistic male nudes, excellent gay romances, and touches of gay history. It was always done in the best of taste, with a European flair and elegance, and Luis still loved reading it himself. But when he'd first started reading and contributing to Elena's blog, he'd been alone and single. He'd needed her blog as a place to escape, for when things grew rough and he felt like he had no place left to go. Back then, Elena's blog had been Luis's escape from loneliness. But Luis's life was different now. He had husband, a child, and a family. He had his twin brother back and he had good friends and a career. Luis had a full life he loved. And he was ready to branch out on his own now, without Elena. He wanted his own blog and his own online presence. The only reason he'd been putting it off for so long was because he didn't want to hurt Elena's feelings.

“I wish I could read some of the things you've written,” Jase said. “They sound wonderful, and they might help me remember more about my past.”

But Matthias smiled at Hood and said, “I can't believe I'm actually trapped in this place with a blogger. Ha. This place is getting stranger by the minute. Next thing you know there will be a vampire or a zombie knocking the door down.” He reached down and pinched Luis's thigh to show he was joking.

Luis grabbed Matthias's wrist and squeezed it. “Go ahead, laugh. You'll be sorry when I write a blog post about the big asshole doctor who laughed at me while I was trapped in a secluded cabin in the middle of nowhere. Blog readers are very loyal. They like honesty and security. They will come to my defense and attack you like you've never been attacked before. You'll see.” Luis was only joking. He never would have done this. He'd always believed that what he put in print would last forever, especially on the Internet. He never would have attacked someone on purpose just to feed his own ego and gain readership. He'd seen other sleazy, bottom-feeding bloggers do this too many times and live to regret it. They manipulated their readers with emotion and led them on in very sneaky ways, pretending authenticity at the same time they used fake names. Luis preferred to keep it honest and real.

Hood yawned and stretched. “I'm ready to crash, guys. Have we figured out the sleeping arrangements yet?”

Luis glanced at Jase and shrugged. Then he glanced at Matthias frowned. “We can't all fit in the bedroom,” he said. There's been so much happening, Luis hadn't thought about sleeping arrangements.

“I think this couch is a pull-out bed,” Hood said. “And the bed in the bedroom is queen size. If you guys don't mind, I'll sleep out here with Blaze on the pull-out, and you three can bunk in the bedroom.” He kissed Blaze on the lips and asked, “Is that okay with you?”

Blaze ran her palm down his chest and smiled. “Sounds good, sweetie.” He may have been bisexual, but Blaze seemed to have plans for him.

But Luis wasn't so sure about this. He could see Blaze and Hood wanted to be alone together. Hood practically had one hand down her pants. But he didn't want to share a bed with Jase and Matthias. He'd been hoping that when he had Jase alone in the bedroom, he'd be able to jar Jase's memory by making love to him. Luis wasn't sure it would work, but it was worth a try.

Before Luis had a chance to protest the unexpected sleeping arrangements, Matthias stood up and said, “I'm going to take a shower. I'll see you guys in the bedroom in a few minutes.” He said goodnight to Hood and Blaze and loped back to the bathroom alone.

When Luis and Jase were alone in the bedroom, Luis closed the door to give Blaze and Hood some privacy. He could tell they were going to fool around that night. The minute they pulled out the bed Hood tossed Blaze down on the mattress and started kissing her. Her legs went up and her head went back, and she seemed more than willing to agree to anything Hood wanted to do. The last thing Luis saw before he closed the door was Blaze pulling Hood's dick out of his pants.

“I think I'll take a quick shower when Matthias gets out of the bathroom,” Jase said. “I feel grimy, and who knows how long we'll have electricity in this storm? I should take advantage of the running water while I still have it.”

Luis heard the shower running. He glanced down at Matthias's clothes in heap he'd left next to the bathroom door and frowned. Evidently, Matthias was a slob. Luis wanted to take a shower with Jase, but it wouldn't have looked right in front of Matthias. Besides, Luis had already taken a shower earlier and he didn't need another. “Sounds good, Jase. You're right. We might lose electricity tonight with this rain. I'll wait up for you in bed.” Luis also wanted to get into bed before Matthias got out of the shower. Luis hadn't packed anything for them to sleep in. He figured they'd be alone and they'd either sleep in their underwear or in nothing at all.