Jase rubbed his palms together and said. “It's chilly in here. Barton told me there's extra wood in the barn and said I should park the car in there at night. I'll be right back with more wood.”

Luis put his arms around Jase and kissed him on the lips. “While you're gone, I'll be getting ready for the surprise I have for you tonight.” They'd already brought in their bags. All Luis had to do was unpack a few things he'd bought the week before in New York.

Jase kissed him and said, “I can't wait. I shouldn't be gone long. You start a fire with the wood that's on the hearth.”

Luis smiled. Jase wasn't going to need a fire when he saw what Luis had planned for him that night. “You'd better take the umbrella from the car. I put one in the backseat this morning. It's starting to rain heavier now.” It was pouring. He heard the rain slamming the roof and said a small prayer that there didn't seem to be any leaks in the roof.

While Jase was outside, Luis started a fire and went back to the bedroom to get ready for his surprise. The bedroom was just as dismal as the main living area, with only one maple bed that had a sagging mattress, two maple nightstands with ugly brass lamps, and an imitation shaker chair with holes in the rush seat. He glanced around and sighed out loud. There was something about maple furniture that turned his stomach inside out. It reminded him of the bedroom furniture he'd grown up with in Tennessee. He wasn't sure he could take three nights in this place. But at least he'd make the best of this first night. So he opened his suitcase and started getting ready.

Fifteen minutes later, he glanced into the cloudy bathroom mirror over the rust-stained sink and adjusted his brand new kinky outfit. He'd changed into a white Latex bodysuit that had a deep V-neck and short, skintight pants. The back was wide open and exposed his entire ass. To top it off, he'd fastened a white studded choker around his neck. On his feet, he wore white six-inch-heeled boots that went up above his knees. He'd never surprised Jase quite this way before. But they'd passed an erotic boutique one night in New York and Jase had seen this outfit in the window and he'd commented about how hot it would look on Luis. At the time, Luis laughed it off and pretended he'd never wear anything that outrageous. But he'd gone back to the store to buy it earlier that week, hoping Jase would be just as excited now as he'd been the night he'd seen the outfit in the window.

Luis squared his shoulders and turned sideways. He arched his back and smiled at his reflection. Jase would love this; he'd throw Luis down and pin him to the floor. The six-inch heels weren't easy to walk in, but he'd worn high heels before when he'd modeled and he knew what he was doing. Luis had once done an artistic photo shoot for a well-known interior designer and he'd worn seven-inch heels with tight black pants that had cut off his circulation for two hours. If he could do that, in one-hundred-degree New York weather in the middle of Times Square, he could manage to straddle Jase's dick in these boots.

A few minutes later, Luis heard a few car doors slam. Jase had probably decided to drive the wood over from the barn because it was raining so heavily and he'd parked out front again. So Luis crossed into the living room with a big red lollipop in his hand and sat down on the hearth. He spread his legs wide and rested one of the high heels on top of the old rusted trunk. The cold hearth felt rough against his ass, but he wanted Jase to find him waiting there, in this outfit, with his legs open, licking the lollipop. He was hoping Jase would drop the wood and climb right on top of him.

But when the front door flung open, a tall young man with dark blond hair stopped dead in his tracks and gaped at Luis. His jaw fell, he pressed his palm to his throat, and he blinked.

Luis stood up fast. He dropped the lollipop and said, “Who are you?”

“Ah well,” the guy said, “I'm Matthias.”

“I'm Luis.”

Then three more people walked into the cabin and stopped short. Another young guy with dark hair exchanged glances with Matthias. He said, “What the fuck, dude?”

A plump young woman with straight bleached hair and no bra said, “Hey, who's he? What kind of place is this?” She twisted her lips and looked Luis up and down.

There was another girl, with long dark red hair and a silver ring in her left nostril. She just stood there gaping at Luis in his kinky outfit with her lips parted.

Where the fuck was Jase? He should have been back with the wood by now. “This is a private cabin,” Luis said. “It belongs to my husband's employee, Barton. He told us we could use it this week.”

Matthias rubbed his jaw and smiled. “Well, dude, I have a surprise for you. Barton's wife, La Shaneeka, told us we could use it, too, this week.”

Oh, Jase wasn't going to be happy about this. And Luis didn't know what to do. Of all the times to get caught wearing white boots with six-inch heels and a Latex body suit. These people would think he'd lost his mind. He wanted to sink into the barn boards and disappear. He didn't dare turn around. “I don't normally dress this way. We thought we were alone.”

That's when Matthias crossed the room and reached for Luis's hand. He smiled and gestured to his friends standing in the doorway. “This is my buddy, Hood.”

Luis smiled at the guy with the dark hair. “Nice to meet you, Hood.”

“And this is Beth Anne,” Matthias said, gesturing to the blonde without the bra. “And that's Blaze, over there by the door.”

Hood and Blaze. Those names were almost as bad as the name Luis's twin brother, Gage, had chosen when he'd decided to move to New York and reinvent himself. What on Earth were some of these people thinking when they named their kids? Luis waved his right hand. “I'm Luis. My husband, Jase Nicholas, is outside getting wood.”

Matthias hesitated for a moment, then asked, “Jase Nicholas? The Virgin Billionaire?”

“You've heard of him,” Luis said. He didn't know what else to say. All he wanted to do was get out of these boots and this outfit and back into his jeans and a sweatshirt. They probably thought he was some kind of sex pervert—or worse, a drag queen.

“I knew Barton worked for Jase Nicholas,” Matthias said. “But I had no idea he was close enough to him to let him use his cabin.” Then he glanced around at the room and frowned. “And I never thought Jase Nicholas would stay in a place like this. I'm not even sure I want to stay in a place like this.”

Luis shrugged. At least they seemed fairly normal, unlike the two creeps he'd seen in town. “We were expecting something a little different.”

Matthias glanced down at Luis's legs and smiled. “I guess you were.” Then he did something that stunned Luis. Matthias was wearing a three-quarter-length black rain jacket. He removed it, crossed to where Luis was standing, and wrapped it around Luis's shoulders.