‘Stay with me, Sarah.’
Alex?She opened her eyes, his voice guiding her back to him.
‘Was a time you would’ve shot first and had this heart-warming little chat later.’
Sarah turned her head as much as she could away the crazed voice next to her ear, keeping her eyes fixed on Alex.I’ll stay with you.
He didn’t lower his gun, but he didn’t look away. ‘Let her go, Nable.’ A hint of a growl underlined his words.
‘That’s what you should have done, Hollywood. Let her go and stayed away. But you can’t help yourself. You ruin lives. That’s what you do.’ The spittle landed on Sarah’s neck, warm and angry.
Alex didn’t answer him.
I’ll stay with you if you stay with me.
‘I’ll save you the indignity of saying goodbye to the love of your life as she’s lying on a cold slab in the morgue. I’ll give you ten seconds before I pull this trigger.’
She felt as though she was coming out of her body, watching and feeling her reactions from another plane. Her stomach dropped and her knees weakened again. Tom’s arm hadn’t tightened around her neck, yet she struggled to breathe. Her own heartbeat thundered between her ears but she could feel Tom’s own thudding fear at her back, his breath was ragged.
Alex continued to stand his ground. The immovable mountain. Would the gun to her head grant him the permission he needed to pull his own trigger? Justify Tom’s death by saving her life. A single tear slid down her cheek.
Please don’t…
She felt hope extinguish, like a candle that had stood valiantly but exposed. It had fluttered and clung to existence until the elements overwhelmed it, smothering the flame and all her hope.
How could Alex not pull the trigger? He wouldn’t watch her die, she knew that. Had she done this? Brought him to this impossible choice. Watch her die or lose her forever. Did he even know that was the choice he had to make? She felt the seconds hand start to move. Her time was running out. Who would pull the trigger first?
And then it happened.
Alex lowered his gun. His eyes had never left Sarah’s. His own tears threatened to spill as he let the gun drop onto the floor.
That’s it, stay with me.
‘What are you doing? You’re just gonna let me kill her?’ Tom’s voice in her ear was desperate.
Another second ticked over.
Alex shook his head. He finally lifted his eyes from Sarah’s to look at Tom. ‘I’m sorry about Aaron.’
‘What?’ His voice was like an explosion against her ear.
‘I’m sorry you suffered so much.’
‘Because you killed him,’ shrieked Tom.
Sarah tried to draw in oxygen, focusing on Alex.
‘No. Because he brought you to this place. His actions, his cowardice, his greed. He wasn’t a good cop, Tom. He wasn’t even a good man.’
‘What the fuck are you talking about? You don’t know Aaron. You don’t know anything about him.’ Each word was strangled.
Alex looked sad. ‘But I do. He was corrupt. No better than me, no better than The Devils.’
‘Shut up! Shut the fuck up!’
Tom’s desperation radiated throughout his body, searing her own with its heat.
‘He was greedy,’ Alex kept talking. ‘He got a taste for that life and he wanted more. He didn’t care about you, Tom. He didn’t care about the job. He only cared about himself.’