Page 66 of The Devil Within

‘Can we talk about it at least?’

Nable sniffed and Sarah saw him roll his eyes. ‘I hate to interrupt just when you kids seem to be getting somewhere.’

Alex turned to face Nable, drawing up to his full height.

Nable cleared his throat. ‘Before you start planning your happily ever after, there’s something you should know.’

Sarah looked at him expectantly.

Nable rolled his shoulders; sniffed. ‘I don’t think Zep knew exactly where to find you when he put his boys on that plane. My contacts tell me two left the country on Monday for London where they picked up two more guns for hire. They were spotted at Charles de Gaulle and then surfaced in Germany yesterday. I think it’s a fair assumption all four are here by now.’

‘Wait, Germany? What were they doing in Germany?’ Alex rounded on the detective, eyes wide and nostrils flaring.

Nable held his ground.

‘What the fuck were they doing in Germany?’

Sarah looked from one to the other, a frantic fear taking hold deep in her belly.

‘I’m sorry,’ said Nable, his tone matter-of-fact.

Fear wrapped itself around her heart. ‘Why?’ she whispered. Was it because John and Alison were in Germany? But they lived in a tiny village, they were well hidden and well protected. Nobody knew where they were. Nobody knew they were alive…

Alex turned away, as if returning to the window. Then he lunged at the detective, his fist catching him right on the jaw. Nable stumbled back, one arm raised to ward off any further blows. Alex stood over him, his breath coming in heavy gasps.

Sarah raised a shaking hand, but couldn’t make herself move. It couldn’t be true. They’d got out. They were safe. John and Alison, and the baby.

No. No. No.

‘They took them all out. No survivors, no witnesses.’ Nable rubbed his jaw, inhaled noisily through his nose.

All of them? How? Did they shoot them as they slept?

‘The baby…’ she pleaded.

Nable shook his head.

A scream filled with horror filled the room. Alex was beside her, cradling her. He pushed her head into his shoulder, whispering into her ear.

She’d done this. The Devils had been looking for her and Alex and instead found John. And now he and Alison and their child were dead.


Alex swept her into his arms and crossed the room, sinking onto the bed. His heart was beating out of control. He’d killed them. The moment he’d told Jizzy’s secret, he’d kill them all. So fucking stupid. He wanted to beat the shit out of Nable, but Sarah was sobbing in his arms. They had to get out of there.

‘Baby,’ Alex took her face in both his hands and pulled her back so he could see her. Her eyes locked on his, her despair overflowing. Fuck, she would blame herself for this.

‘We can’t stay here.’ He thumbed away her tears. ‘They’ll be coming for us.’

She nodded, trying to draw in some air. ‘Where can we go?’

‘I’ll figure it out.’

Her hands grasped his wrists, her eyes took on a hard edge. His gut twisted. He promised her he’d try to do better with this.

‘We’ll figure it out.’

She nodded.