Page 64 of The Devil Within

‘Sarah, get out of here,’ Alex growled.

‘Don’t do this Alex, please!’

‘Listen to your girlfriend, Alex. You don’t want to do this.’

‘Shut up, cop.’

Frustration replaced her fear. Why did men always have to be the hero?

‘Why is this your solution to every problem, Alex? You can’t kill everyone.’

‘You don’t understand what’s going on, Sarah. You gotta trust me.’

He sounded like a broken record and she was sick of it. Trust went both ways.

She stood her ground between them. ‘You know what?’ Anger oozed from every word. ‘You both think you’re so tough? Pull the trigger. Go on. On the count of three.’

‘Get out of the way, Sarah. You don’t know what you’re doing,’ said Alex.

Tom was the first to withdraw, gun and hands raised in surrender. ‘Come on, let’s all calm down.’

‘Drop your gun, Alex.’ She was surprised that somehow, her voice didn’t waver.


‘Drop it!’

‘Okay.’ His hands dropped to his side.

She sent a silent prayer of thanks to whatever deity was present.

‘Both of you, guns on the table.’ The two men edged their way to the table, sliding their guns across it.

She knew she wouldn't get too many chances to convince Alex to see reason.

‘Alex, I did not betray you. Tom found me this morning in a coffee shop. He laid out what he wanted and I came home to you. That’s what happened.’

Tom studied the other man, his expression curious. Obviously, he hadn’t considered that the biker wouldn’t trust the woman he gave everything up for.

Alex hadn’t looked away, the tension still played behind his eyes. She couldn’t ask him to trust her again. It had to come from him. A moment passed before his shoulders flagged, ever so slightly. She was sure the detective was unaware of the huge concession the tiny motion acknowledged.

The three of them remained facing off in a tenuous ceasefire. Whatever compromise Alex had made for Sarah was now hidden behind his stony countenance. Tom was the first to break the silence.

‘So, it seems we’ve come to an agreement.’

‘I haven’t agreed to anything with you, cop.’

‘Alex, could you just hear him out, please?’

‘This fucking cop will get us killed, Sarah.’

‘That seems inevitable.’ She raised her hands in exasperation. ‘They keep coming and we have no idea who or when and Tom says the price on your head has doubled since you killed Ray.’

Fury raged in his eyes. ‘Here’s a reality check for you. I had to kill Ray. Or you would be dead. Remember that?’

What was this, the guilt card?She glared at him. ‘Of course, I do, but with Tom on our side, maybe we’ll know next time and be better prepared.’

Alex shook his head. His lips curled back, revealing bared teeth. ‘He’s not on our side. Why can’t you understand that?’ He stepped closer to her. ‘Did he tell you The Devils are already here looking for us again?’