Page 84 of The Devil Within

‘You need to sit down.’ Alex appeared behind her, his image one of concern. No trace of the biker.

He helped her into the main room and guided her to the table and chairs, skirting the blood that had soaked into the carpet. An all too familiar smell needled her nostrils.

He retrieved the glass from the bedside table and filled it with water from the bathroom tap. It was not that many hours ago Tom had filled that very glass with water for her. She kept her eyes fixed on the narrow bed. Dust rose up as Alex pulled the bedspread all the way off the bed.

‘Did you send Jesse the picture?’

‘Sent it to Brodie. Jesse would have seen it.’

‘Does it look, you know, like… ’

Alex looked at her, a doleful smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. ‘It looks like I made good on our deal.’

She nodded.

He reached for the car keys on the table. ‘I’m just going to bring the car closer. Will you be okay for a minute?’

She found the strength to smile. His lips brushed hers, a promise of what could be. She wanted to tell him to turn the light off on the way out as it hurt her eyes, but she didn’t want to sit alone in the dark with a dead body. Not again.

‘I’ll be right back.’ Alex pulled the door open and found the night crowded out by the three men blocking his way.

‘Hello, Hollywood. Going somewhere?’

Was thereany way they could catch a break?

The short man in front pushed Alex so he stumbled back, then swaggered into the room. She figured he must be Jesse. She shrunk back further in her chair as Brodie entered next, his arm in a sling. A third man she didn’t recognize closed the door behind him, surveying the room for threats and opportunities.

‘Come to see the evidence in person, Jesse?’ Alex had regained his footing and was staring hard at Jesse.

‘Wouldn’t be the first time you staged a death.’ He glared at Sarah. ‘So, this is your little honeypot.’

The hair on the back of her neck stood on end as he looked her up and down. She got to her feet, swallowing the pain. Let him see the proof that Tom was dead. She refused to allow this man to intimidate her.

Alex stepped across Jesse’s path. ‘You can see the cop is dead. We were about to get rid of the body.’

‘We… isn’t that cute. Is that what you two do on dates? Bury the bodies?’ Jesse barked out a laugh, glancing around at his companions. Brodie gave a half-hearted chuckle. The third man ignored him.

‘How about we bury him for you? We’ll just roll him in on top of you two.’ Jesse kept the smile on his face but the glint in his eye was pure menace.

Ice cold fingers made their way up her spine, taunting her with their familiarity. The throbbing in her head increased as tiny sledgehammers attacked relentlessly.

‘We had a deal.’ Alex punched each word out through clenched teeth.

‘We did. And you actually held up your end of the bargain. For once.’ He smirked, revealing gold caps.

‘So, we’re good,’ Alex persisted.

Jesse turned to face Alex squarely. All the mirth had been replaced with disgust. ‘We were.’ He took a gun from his waistband. ‘Until you tried to take us out as well.’

Sarah tried to keep up. When had Alex threatened Jesse? It didn’t make sense. Alex and Jesse were eyeing each other like prize fighters. Brodie was looking uncomfortably at the floor. The third man leant against the closed door, uninterested in the scene playing out before him.

‘What are you talking about?’

‘When the story gets retold, Zep will hear that you tried to shoot me and Brodie when we showed up to make sure you had actually killed the cop. Nothing for it, we had to shoot you both.’ Jesse pulled the safety on his gun.

Neither of them was armed. Sarah tried to think as pain hammered against her skull. She folded her hands over her heart.This can’t be how it ends.

‘Why don’t you just admit the truth?’ All eyes turned to look at her.