Page 71 of The Devil Within

The insult had the desired effect, Jesse’s eyes clouded momentarily and his jaw muscles tensed.

‘Fuck you and your bodyguard, Hollywood.’

‘Now, now.’ Alex stood on the landing opposite his successor, still holding Brodie in front of him. ‘Gotta learn not to take things so personal.’ He nodded towards the living room. ‘Back up, Jesse. You and I have business to discuss.’

‘What could you have to say that would be of any interest to me?’

‘What do you know about Taskforce Ricochet?’

Recognition flashed across Jesse’s face. He drew himself up taller, kinking his neck to the side, bones cracking. He nodded as he backed into the room. Alex matched him step for step, his gun still at Brodie’s head, his body shielding his own. Another man leant against the kitchen bench, his gun sitting beside him. He didn’t appear impressed by Jesse’s posturing. Not a biker. The hired gun.

Being the only one holding a gun, he pushed Brodie across the room into the sofa. Brodie landed awkwardly, having no good arm to steady himself.

‘Fuck me,’ he muttered.

The hired gun sneered while Jesse tried to maintain an aura of superiority, at least in his own mind.

‘You been keeping up with the Australian newspapers, Hollywood?’

Alex eyed him patiently, knowing Jesse’s ego would keep his tongue wagging.

‘Task Force Ricochet, designed to disrupt and dismember outlaw motorcycle gangs,’ said Jesse.

‘I know they have a hard on for The Devils at the moment.’

‘Course they do, we’re the cream of the crop.’ Jesse hitched his thumbs through the belt loops on his jeans.

‘What do you know about a Detective Sergeant Tom Nable?’ asked Alex.

‘What do you know about him?’ countered Jesse.

‘He’s here.’

‘I know.’ Jesse smirked.

I knew it!

‘How do ya think we found you so fast?’


‘The Devils are working with the cops now? With Ricochet?’

Jesse snorted. ‘Nable’s not Ricochet. He’s not even a cop anymore. Thanks to you.’

Alex’s brain was trying to piece together the puzzle. ‘What the fuck are you talking about?’

‘You offed his cop partner,’ said Brodie.

‘Aaron Woodville? The dirty cop? He was partnered with Bryson.’

‘Nah, not that kind of partner.’ Brodie and Jesse chuckled like virgins at a brothel. ‘You killed his boyfriend. Sent him fucking looney tunes. Word is, he tried to get onto Ricochet but ended up getting himself suspended. After Brodie and Ray failed their task, Nable turned up on my doorstep. Offered his services.’

Brodie stopped chuckling.

Jesse had always wanted to look good in front of Zep, looking for any advantage to get ahead. But Jesse wasn’t that smart. Alex just needed to find the cracks in his plan, create his own advantages.

‘His services? He’d locate me and then what?’