‘And everyone thought he was dead, so they didn’t come looking.’ He sighed. ‘Maybe I should have done the same, made it look like I was dead. I guess I thought they might assume it.’
She gave a sad chuckle. ‘The way you both speak, it’s so different.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘When John talks about how he disappeared, he uses we. They did it together. That’s why it worked. They plan, they decide. They’re a team.’ She didn’t bother illustrating Alex’s command of the ‘I’ statement.
He looked stung. ‘Sarah, you know this isn’t what I wanted. I would have told you what I did, let you decide for yourself if you wanted to be with me. But they found us. Before I could say anything, they found us.’
She lowered herself to sit beside him. ‘I know that. But what about in Sydney? Before any of this happened? Or every day since? You don’t ask me where we should go. You don’t ask me what I think. You make the decisions. Alone.’
She tried to keep her tone gentle. It wasn’t her aim to start another fight.
‘Everything happens so fast, Sarah.’ He sounded frustrated. ‘I just try to do what’s best. To keep us alive.’
‘I know. But why don’t you try doing that with me?’
Alex held her gaze, considering her words. She searched his face and found no trace of antagonism. Her heart sped up a little and she took a breath to maintain her calm.
‘Maybe we have a chance, here and now, to stop running.’
While he’d been gone, Sarah had stayed inside after her encounter with the tourists for almost two days, sending herself crazy with worries, both real and imagined. She’d also had a lot of time to think. She believed she’d come up with a decent plan and she was eager to share it with Alex. Before he could speak, she dived in.
‘The Devils haven’t surfaced again. Maybe they got the message and everyone thinks I’m dead. Maybe they don’t think it’s worth their time and effort to come after you again.’
‘That’s a big if—’
‘It’s a possibility, you have to admit that much.’
Alex closed his mouth, facing the wall across from them.
‘Brian Isobel came after us because he wanted revenge. If he knew that John was alive and well, he’d have no reason to come after us again.’
His brows knitted together, as if in concentration. He jerked his head back to look at her. ‘No, Sarah. That wouldn’t—’
‘Of course, it would work. He wants to kill you - and me, by association - because he thinks you killed his brother. But you didn’t. Therefore, he has no reason to kill you.’
‘And what happens when The Devils find out I double-crossed them?’
‘Double-crossed? What are you talking about? How did you double-cross them? You cost them nothing.’
‘Until word gets out, I didn’t do my job. They would look like they had no control over their members. No.’ His tone was emphatic. ‘They’d come after us again.’
‘What if they never find out? Brian Isobel only cares that you killed his brother. But you didn’t. Can’t we ask him not to say anything? He wouldn’t want The Devils to send someone else after John, he wouldn’t tell. He has too much to lose.’
Alex rose and went to the kitchen. Water gushed as he filled a glass and drank it down, slamming the empty vessel on the bench.
‘That’s not how it works. These people, they care more about their business and any leverage they can get then they do their own flesh and blood. Brian would use this to make The Devils look bad. And he’d probably still try and kill us. Not to mention Jizzy. You would be putting him and Alison and their baby in danger all over again. There would still be a score to settle and The Devils will want to save face. They will come after all of us. You need to leave this alone.’
Sarah got to her feet, her own frustration tipping over.
‘Why? I don’t understand Alex. Why agree to bring him here if it won’t make us safe?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘Bullshit. You never do anything without a reason.’
‘Just let it go, Sarah. You don’t know what you're talking about.’