Page 9 of Sparrow

"I do love the natural beauty here," I said, trying not to get distracted by his face. "I would miss that if I ever left."

I handed him the burrito and he took it from me.

"Thank you. Whoa. This is hot. It's still really warm."

"I thought you would be here like ten minutes from now, so I put them in a thermal bag."

He opened it and took a bite. "Oh my gosh, this is so goooood. This is really good, Corey."

"Thank you," I said, pleased when I saw him chewing with a smile.How was this man gorgeous when he ate?His jaw moved when he chewed, and I actually loved the way he looked. I glanced away, taking a bite of my burrito, which I made a bit smaller than his.

"Philipsburg is so small that… I don't usually get the chance to sit and enjoy breakfast with a stranger. I've actually never done anything like this before, so thank you for the experience."

Owen stared at me with a curious expression as he finished his bite. "You're welcome, but I'm the one who should be thanking you. This is seriously delicious. I've never had anything like this. What makes it taste so good?"

"It's all homemade. I made the guacamole. I also made the tortilla."



"Why? How?" he said, causing me to smile.

"Which one do you want me to answer?"

"How," he said.

"How did I make the tortilla?"


"They're easy. My mom's mom is Mexican. Her parents were born there. I've been making homemade tortillas since I was a little girl."

"I don't think I've ever had a homemade tortilla before."

"I bet you have and didn't know it. Some restaurants make them in-house."

"How do you know stuff like that if you never go past Philipsburg?"

"I watch television. I watch the cooking channel. I learn a lot on TV. I read, too."

"I grew up doing musicals," Owen said. He took another bite.

"Like Annie?"

"Is that the one that comes to your mind?" he asked, smiling at me.

"Yes. I've seen Annie on TV several times."

"Have you ever watched it on stage?"


"Have you seen any musical?"

"No. I've seen a few movie musicals, though. Not just Annie. I've seen Grease and a few others. I've also seen clips of plays in videos, but no. I've never sat and watched a musical on a stage. Do you sing?" I asked, smiling and leaning back to regard him. The sun was shining through the trees and it hit us in small moving patches as the breeze moved the branches above us.

"I do sing. Not anymore, really. I grew up performing in musicals, but not now. I haven't had to sing in any movies."