Page 15 of Sparrow

"I wouldn't like you to wait."

And within a second, his lips touched mine. He moved quickly, but he touched me with care and gentleness. I leaned into him, solidifying the contact.

His mouth. It was soft and warm, and the taste of skin was better than I imagined it would be. The contact was gut-wrenching.

I had read about kissing in books, but there were no words to describe the actual feeling of it. I absolutely ached with the desire to get closer to him—to have my lips touch more of his. He kissed me several times, light touches of his mouth to mine. I smiled when he pulled back after three or four of them.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. That was good." I pulled back a little, feeling overwhelmed. "Thank you."

Owen wiped his eyebrow. "I think I'm the one who… thank you, Corey. Thank you for trusting me."

"I do trust you. I don't know why, but I do."

"You can trust me."

"Thank you." I actually believed that was the truth. I could trust him. What he didn't mean was that I could trust him withmy heart on any long-term basis. He was just passing through, and I knew it.

"Is it weird for me to ask for a hug?" I asked. I thought of what limited time I would have with Owen, and I decided to ask as soon as it crossed my mind.

"A hug? Sure."

"I'm sorry," I said, scooting closer to him on the rock.

"Don't be sorry."

Our hips were touching now, and I shifted turning so that I could get a good grasp around his body. I hugged him. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. He smelled nice, he felt nice, and masculinity was radiating off of him. But in that moment, I didn't even take it in. It just felt too good to hug someone. My mom was not a hugger, and neither was Stanley. John would've hugged me, obviously, but I knew it would give him the wrong impression, and I never wanted that.

I didn't mind if Owen had the wrong impression. Maybe that made it the right impression.

For a whole minute or two, I just enjoyed the feeling of being physically close to someone. My tank was always and had always been empty in that regard, and I felt like I was being filled up with some sort of needed energy as I sat there and embraced Owen.

And then suddenly, I felt something different. I don't know if I noticed his warmth, or the muscles underneath the thin layer of shirt fabric, but something changed. I experienced a sudden urgent feeling like I wanted to kiss him feverishly, like I wanted to get close enough to crawl inside of him. The shift in my own perspective scared me and caused me to pull away, sitting up. I regarded him with an overwhelmed smile.

"Thank you," I said. "That was a good… hug."

I said the first thing that came to my mind because at the moment, I felt like I could come undone.

"That was a good hug. I know you're about to have to go, but can I please see you again?"

"I don't know," I said. "I need to get home and see what I feel like… how much of this I can handle. You're used to this kind of thing with women, but I'm… I have no experience. This is crazy for me. Like just now. I was just enjoying a hug, and then my body started to melt. This is just all stuff I've never felt before. You're too advanced."

"Corey, I… I don't know what to say. I'm not advanced. You're mistaken. I'm not used to this at all. I'll tell you right now, I'm not used to this feeling I have with you. I know you've got a lot to think about, and I'm not trying to talk you into anything, but just know that I have no more experience with these feelings than you do."

Chapter 6

Owen had told me that he had no more experience with these feelings than I did. That felt like it meant something. I couldn’t help but feel like I had established something real with him.

All day, while I was working, I recalled and recounted bits of our conversation on the creek. I could clearly remember what it felt like when he kissed me. I knew what it felt like to have his arms wrapped securely around me. It had been like a dream, but I could clearly recall the feeling of it.

I remembered so many details in between my work that time passed in a blur.

It was 2pm, and I was still at the store when I got a text from Owen.


How has your day been? We've been busy. I would have texted sooner, but we're filming out of range. I would love to see you again. Can I? This is Owen.