“Okay, you’ve really got it bad.” Jamie giggles.

“Didn’t you hear a single word I just said? He is absolutely not my type.”

“And that’s exactly how it goes a lot of the time.” Laura wiggles her eyebrows. “We go through life thinking we have a specific type until someone who is the exact opposite comes along and blows that assertion out of the water.”

“Although that may be true, this guy is not it. Trust me.”

“Trust us. We know of what we speak. We have a lot more experience in this arena than you do,” Jamie says.

“I can see where this conversation is going, and I beg you, please, let’s not discuss my sex life at brunch.”

“We have to, Naomi. You are a 22-year-old virgin!” Laura practically shouts.

I look around to see if anyone is staring at us. “You know, you could say it a little louder. I don’t think the guy in the back of the room heard you.”

Laura cackles and rolls her eyes. “Listen, our point is, even though he might not be what you may have considered to be your type in the past, it could surprise you that the both of you might be well-suited to each other.”

“Are you insane? If I decide to take this job, he will be my boss. As in, I will be taking care of his child. Also, he is only a couple of years younger than my parents. Attempting anything with him will be so inappropriateand weird. Also, even if Ididfind him attractive, I don’t know that he finds me attractive.”

Jamie rolls her eyes. “He finds you attractive.”

“You can’t know that.”

“And yet, I do,” she retorts.

“You don’t, but whatever. All of this may end up being irrelevant, because I don’t know if I will take the job.”

“Why not? You went through all this trouble. Why would you turn it down?” Laura asks.

“Because like I said, he pushes all my buttons. If I end up taking this job he’ll probably say and or do something that will cause me to fly off the handle and he’ll fire me anyway. So what’s the point?”

“I hate to encourage you in this, but if that is going to happen, why not let it? Don’t give up before you’ve even tried.”

“I don’t know…”

“Well, whatever you decide, we will be here for you,” Jamie says and Laura nods.

I know they mean it, but at the end of the day I am the one who’s going to have to throw myself into the lion’s den.

I may haveslightlydownplayed how attracted I am to Reid Harris just now, but in all seriousness, it would actually be a risk taking this job.

The truth is, he is the hottest man I’ve ever laid eyes on.

At the same time, I also think we willseverelybutt heads.

Anything could happen; I could jump him out of sheer lust. Or, attack him for speaking to me with the wrong tone. Or, any number of things along that spectrum.

So much could go wrong here, but at the same time, so much could go right. If I’m able to finesse this arrangement, I can get in with Chef Aranda.

If I can dothat, my whole life will change. I’ll finally have everything I’ve ever wanted, and I can show my parents that I was right. That I can make something out of myself, and that I could do it all on my own and without their help.

I have so much to think about.

Good thing I still have two days to decide.