“Yes, I am.”

“So you really don’t mind us doing long-distance?”

He chuckles. “No, I don’t. All that matters is that we are together. I’ll take you however I can get you. You mean everything to me. If it means 12-hour flights each way every two weeks, then as far as I’m concerned, that’s a small price to pay. Plus, with technology we can talk to and see each other all the time.”

“I can’t believe you did this.”

“Well, I wanted to show you just how devoted I am to us.”


“So, what do you say?”

I smile. “I should make you work harder for this because of what you’ve put me through this past week, but I have to admit, I’m impressed by how proactive this is. This is such a lovely gesture. So yes…” I roll my eyes. “I will give you yet another chance.”

A mixture of relief and utter joy washes over his face.

“I would pick you up and spin you around right now, but I feel like that would not be good for your leg. So…” He closes the space between us and leans down and takes my lips in a kiss.

Although he hurt me, in the end I can understand his freak out, and as far as apologies go, this ranks up there.

My world was a dull place without him in it. Now that he’s here the world has readjusted itself, and is back on its axis.

I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I am eager to find out.



“Tonight is supposed to be one of the best nights of my life. I would hate to have it end with a headline in tomorrow’s paper that reads, ‘Chef Stabs Boyfriend on Opening Night of Restaurant’,” Naomi says as she frantically chops vegetables.

I laugh. “I know, I know. I’m not going to get in your way tonight, but I just came in to wish you good luck.”

She stops long enough to smile at me and I can see the incredulity in her eyes.

“Can I at least give you a kiss?”

She sighs as if it’s some huge imposition, then says, “If you must…”

I lean in and drop a chaste kiss on her lips. “Tonight is going to go amazing. There’s nothing else you could have done to prepare better.”

“Thank you…” she says, then returns to her vegetables.

I turn around and walk out of the kitchen into the quickly filling dining room. I locate our table and sit.

It’s been a long two years and we’re back in San Diego.

I’m not surprised that Naomi is opening her own restaurant and that tonight is finally opening night. No one deserves this more than she does. She’s worked her ass off for this. I just can’t believe she’s finally getting everything she’s ever wanted, and that I’m still here to see it.

The last two years have been quite a ride. Like I had predicted, Gabriel practically monopolized most of Naomi’s time. It was quite an adjustment at the beginning, but we both found our groove and made it work. Things haven’t been perfect. There have been some growing pains Naomi and I have had to work through, but we got there in the end.

“Good evening, Reid,” Vincent says from behind me.

I turn around. When I see him and Rose, I stand up and greet them. A handshake for him, a kiss on the cheek for her.

They join me at our six-top while we wait for the rest of our party.

“This looks amazing,” Rose says, as she looks around at the interior ofEpicurean Bistro. The restaurant is huge, but Naomi has somehow managed to make it cozy and charming. The decor is welcoming with hues of brown, moss green and white. The wooden chairs and tables are complemented by soft overhead yellow lighting, mixed with bursts of fluorescent lighting so diners can actually see what they are eating.