I don’t know if I’m going to hire her, but she is a contender. Yes, it’s true that she’s the least qualified candidate I’ve seen, but I think that works in her favor. Although everyone else I’ve seen is more credentialed, they almost seem robotic. She is a real person. Someone I think would be good for Ethan.
And, she has some good nannying experience under her belt.
I also kind of like that she pushed back at my questions.
She was the only one who did that.
I hate yes people.
I try as much as I can to not surround myself with them. So that’s something she has going for her.
If I do end up hiring her, I have to make sure it’s because she is the best candidate for the job. Not because of… any other reason.
The thing is, I am a realist. Even if I do hire her because she will be the best for the job, I can’t deny that I am attracted to her. Imagining that woman walking around my house all the time, caring for my son…
If I’m being honest, just standing in front of her in my office shaking her hand, I was ready to pounce on her.
Oh my God, Reid. Reel it the fuck in, you creep.
I will behave. It will be fine.
No, maybe I should just hire somebody else.
I guess I have a little more time to think about it. So I will kick the can down the road for now.
I get on the elevator and I’m whisked to my office on the top floor of my company’s office building. It never gets old that I built this empire of steel, glass and marble. After 20 years I thought it would have gotten old, but no. I still feel the same sense of accomplishment that I felt after the success of my first app.
Harris Techhas come a long way since then. We now have our hands in all kinds of tech. We continue to innovate with smart devices including phones, computers, 3D printing and artificial intelligence. We own many patents that have led to the most cutting-edge technological advancements of the millennium so far.
The elevator door slides open on my floor, and Julia, my Executive Assistant, is standing there waiting for me. I still don’t know how she does this; she seems to know my whereabouts at all times of the day. I sometimes worry that she has LoJacked me without my knowledge.
“Sir, Mrs. Bancroft came by your office 30 minutes ago,” Julia says.
“Eve?” I roll my eyes. “She came herself? She didn’t send one of her people?”
Julie nods.
“What did she want?”
“She said there will be an emergency board meeting in three hours, and that your presence is required.”
Of course it is.
Eve Bancroft is the chairwoman of my board. After my company went public and she came onboard, she and I have butted heads.
In fact, I would go so far as to say she is constantly working against me. So whatever this meeting is about, it can’t be good.
I start walking toward my office and Julia trails behind me like a little woman shadow.
I glance back at her. “Well, I have some things to do, please remind me when it’s time for the meeting.”
“Of course, sir.”
She scampers away.
I then retreat to my office where I return some important business calls as well as get through the mountain of paperwork I’ve been putting off. Before I know it, Julia is knocking on my door, letting me know that it’s time for the meeting.