I ran around all day trying to put out fires, and somehow, I only managed to make things worse.
I would have said Eve orchestrated this whole thing to make me look bad in front of the board, but even she wouldn’t go this far. Everything that’s happened is going to lose the company money, which means she will also lose money. If there’s anything I know about Eve Bancroft, it’s that she doesn’t joke with her money.
My day from hell is exactly why I decide to hang up my coat an hour early.
When I get home, Naomi and Ethan are out for outside time. Good Naomi. Right on schedule.
So I collapse on the couch in the living room and allow my body sink into the soft cushions. I lie here for about five minutes then the house landline starts ringing.
I groan as I roll off the couch and head for the phone. “Hello?”
“Hi. I’m looking for Naomi Davidson,” the voice on the line says.
My hackles go up.
I recognize this voice.
“I’m sorry, but who is on the line?”
“This is her friend Jamie Lane. I tried calling her cell phone, but it didn’t go through. She gave me this number in case of emergencies, which this is.”
My blood starts to boil. “Well… Ms. Lane… I’m afraid your friend Naomi is out, but she should be back shortly. I will be sure to pass along your message.”
“Thank you. Bye.” The line goes dead.
I hang up the phone, staring off into space. What the fuck?
Naomi has some explaining to do.
All I know now is, she lied to me. This is unacceptable. I don’t know why she’s done it and I’m not sure I care.
I will get the truth out of her.
Then, I will fire her.
Just as I am having this thought, the front door opens and Ethan shoots into the house. Naomi follows.
When he sees me he screams, “Daddy!” and runs at me.
I squat in time to wrap my son in my arms. Although I am seething on the inside, a smile stretches across my face as I hold the most treasured person in my life.
After I’ve hugged him tightly enough I put him on the ground and say, “Go to the kitchen and ask Ruth for a popsicle. Tell her I said it’s okay.”
I’m barely done speaking when Ethan hurtles himself in the direction of the kitchen, clapping the whole way.
Once Naomi and I are alone, I turn to her. “Who is Jamie Lane?”
The smile drops from her face. “What?”
“Who. Is. Jamie Lane.” I say slower.
She clears her throat and moves from one foot to the other. “She’s my friend. Why?”
“Because she called here not long ago looking for you.”
“Oh. Thanks for delivering the message.”