The first hour of my shift goes as expected. I serve drinks, lay on the charm as thick asI possibly can, flirt a little here and there to maximize on tips, that kind of a thing.
“Hello, sweetheart,” Boris, one of my regulars, says to me.
Just as I’m about to answer, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.
“Hold that thought.” I wink at Boris and retrieve my phone.
It’s my mother.
Mom never calls. Why is she calling me? And at 9 o’clock at night?
I consider ignoring it, but this could be an emergency. What if something happened to Dad?
I let Morena know that I’m taking a break and head out to the alley behind the bar. By the time I get there, the phone has stopped ringing. So I call mom right back, and she answers on the first ring.
“Why didn’t you answer when I called?” is the first thing she says to me.
“Because I am at work and I had to find somewhere quiet. What’s the big deal anyway? I called you right back.”
She tsks. “Naomi, I really wish you would quit this job of yours. I mean, what kind of respectable woman works at a bar at night?”
“The kind of woman who likes being able to pay her bills.”
“You know, all that can be easily remedied.”
I sigh. “Mom I don’t know how many more times I need to say this before it sticks, but I am not coming back. I have told you and Dad a gazillion times that I have no interest in the company.”
“Do you know how lucky you are? Do you know how many people wouldkillfor the opportunity that is being presented to you on a silver platter?”
“I understand that you and Dad are offering me something highly coveted, but as it would turn out, it’s not coveted by me.”
“Naomi, it’s about time you grew up. You can’t continue doing this to your father and me. It’s been four years. We’ve given you enough time to play around, but it’s time you get serious and put this childish idea of following your passion aside.”
“Why is it childish?”
“Because life isn’t what you would like it to be. Following your passion rarely pays off.”
Wow, what an amazing thing to hear from your mother.
“Alright, thanks Mom, for the words of wisdom. I’m still going to give it the old college try.”
“Isn’t that what you have done? You’ve spent the last four years trying it your way and it hasn’t worked. We’ve been patient enough. You need to come home, prepare to take over from your father and find a nice boy to settle down with.”
“Mom, sometimes when you talk it’s almost like you don’t know me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Before all of this happened, did I ever impress you as the kind of person who wanted to find a nice boy to settle down with?”
“What are you trying to tell me, Naomi? That you’re a lesbian?”
“Oh my God.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “No, Mother. I’m not coming out to you over the phone. I’m just saying finding a husband and settling down isn’t exactly a priority for me at the moment, and neither is running your company.”
“I really don’t understand you sometimes. Why do you kick against our lifestyle so much?”
“Maybe it’s because you’re the kind of people who would disown your only child simply because they chose to walk their own path.”
She’s quiet for a moment.