“Maybe I would have if I thought you would flip out about it. But why would I think that?”

“You had to have known that this would affect our relationship.”

“And how would I have known that? You are a multi-billionaire with a private jet at your disposal. You also have offices in Paris. You can decide to fly to France every week if you wanted. So why would I think her moving to Paris would be a problem?”

“Fuck…” I climb up on a stool. “You’re making a lot of sense.”

“I usually do.” Gabriel laughs.

I stare down at the counter for a long moment.

“I guess instead of blaming myself for us breaking up it was easier for me to blame you.”

“Wait, you broke up over this?”

“Yes. I was being an asshole about it and she dumped me.”


I shrug. “I guess I was scared.”

“Scared of what?”

“Well, Naomi is a young woman. She has her whole life in front of her. What if she goes to Paris and decides I’m not what she wants? What if she meets someone her age and figures she’s better off with that jackass instead of me?”

“You’re crazy.” Gabriel chuckles.

“How is that crazy? These are legitimate worries for a person to have.”

“Yes, but they are not unique to Paris. Everything you just said could happen right here. She can meet younger men here in San Diego.”

“What’s your point?”

“My point is that your worries just come with the territory. That’s what it’s like being in a relationship. I can’t believe I have to explain this to you.”

“Just shut up, okay?”

“Apparently, I can’t, because I have to spell out very basic concepts to you. You can choose to focus on the possibility that she could dump you for any number of reasons, or you can choose to focus on the fact that she’s chosen you and wants to be with you. It’s up to you whether you want to be happy or make yourself miserable stressing over hypotheticals.”

“You’re right, but all of this advice is moot. She already broke up with me.”


“What do you mean so? We are no longer together.”


“I don’t think she would forgive me. After all the things I said when we were breaking up, I wouldn’t forgive me either.”

“I think you’ll find that most people are more forgiving than you are. Just try.”

“I don’t know…”

“Oh my God! You’re being such a wuss. Go apologize and tell her you support her goals. If she tells you to get lost then that’s that. At least you would’ve tried. Sitting here watching me eat pizza is not doing you any favors. So go get your woman.”

I smile. “Fine… I will try, and I would feel better if you offered me a slice.”

“Reid, I love you like a brother, just not enough to share my food with you.”