“They said they were going home to shower and get a change of clothes, but I think they just wanted to give us some privacy.”
“So you told them about us?”
“No, actually I didn’t. I told them I was your boss, but they figured the rest out by themselves.”
“How? Were you distraught?” I smile.
“Of course not. I was my usual stoic self.”
I start laughing and it quickly turns into a coughing fit.
Reid springs up and walks over to the table across the room and pours a glass of water.
He brings it to me and directs the straw bobbing in it toward my lips. “Drink this.”
I do as I’m told. Although the water tastes horrible, it quells my coughing fit and begins to replenish my energy.
Once I’m done, he puts the cup on my bedside table and sits back down.
“So… your parents are Vincent and Rose Carlisle.”
I make it a point to not look at him when I say, “Mhmm.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t think it was important for you to know. Plus, I’ve spent my life trying to hide the fact that I come from that kind of wealth. So I’m used to not leading with it.”
“I get that, but still, that’s crazy. To think that all this time I’ve been sleeping with the enemy.”
He says it jokingly, but I still feel the need to say, “That’s one of the reasons I didn’t tell you. At first, I didn’t want you to think I was some sort of spy for my parents. I didn’t want you to think I had any real connection with them, because I didn’t. I’m sure I could’ve talked until I was blue in the face about how I’m estranged from my family, but you still would have thought I was some sort of corporate espionage plant.”
He sits in thought for a moment, then says, “You’re probably right. Even if I believed you, I wouldn’t have taken the risk and allowed you into my home.”
“Exactly. So I figured it was best to keep that piece of information to myself.”
“I understand and I don’t hold it against you.”
It’s at this point that my parents walk back into my room.
Although they look emotionally drained, they are all cleaned up and look as pristine as they usually do. I look at Reid and for the first time notice how unkempt he looks.
He is wearing rumpled sweats and sneakers. His hair is a mess, and his jaw is lined with more stubble than I’ve ever seen on him. It’s almost a beard.
“Have you been here the whole time?” I ask him.
“Of course,” he answers.
“What about Ethan?”
“Ruth has been looking after him. I speak to him on the phone a bunch of times every day.”
“You should go home. Go see Ethan, take a shower and get some rest.” He’s about to protest but I cut him off. “I need some time with my parents anyway.”
He looks from them to me and back then nods. He gets to his feet, kisses me on the temple, and walks out of the room with a nod in my parent’s direction.
“I’m not even going to ask about that,” Mom says. “I’m just so glad you’re all right.”
Mom comes to stand at my left and Dad goes to my right.