Page 7 of Sweet Revenge

AsWestsauntered the length of the bar toward her, carrying what appeared to be her dinner, she couldn’t deny that her mouth watered, and it wasn’t because of the food.Hisgaze was focused on her, its intensity making her wet.Sheforced herself not to squirm to relieve the sudden ache of desire pulsating through her clit.Holyshit—the bastard shouldn’t have that effect on her, but he did.Itwas more intense than anything she’d ever experienced.

Apair of one-night stands in her past had both left her somewhat sated yet lonely.Thelesson learned was that she would rather get down and dirty with her vibrator than someone she would never see again.Sheusually waited until after at least three dates before she slept with a guy.Therehad been several boyfriends during and after college, the longest lasting three years, but they’d all eventually moved on for one reason or another.She’dended the lengthier relationships after finally admitting that, while she liked and possibly loved those men, she hadn’t beeninlove with them.Shehadn’t been able to see herself spending the rest of her life with any of them.

Maybeshe was destined never to marry.Thethought saddened her because she’d always dreamed of finding someone to love, have children, and grow old with.However, she refused to spend a lifetime with a man without her whole heart and soul involved.Therewould be no settling for her.Itwas all or nothing.

Well, whatever her future held, it certainly didn’t includeWestonLockhart, but when he grinned as he set the full plate, a napkin, and utensils in front of her, she almost wished it did.Ifhe were still the boy she’d had a crush on before he tried to embarrass her, then maybe she would’ve given him a chance, but right now, all she could think of was getting sweet revenge.

Themore the notion rattled around her mind, the more she liked it.Hemight not figure out that she was exacting a little payback, butshewould know, and that would be satisfying enough.

“Thanks.Mmmm, yummy,” she purred before she intentionally licked her lips.Shealmost smirked when she noticedWest’sinterested gaze follow her tongue.

Thesandwichdidlook and smell delicious, and she picked up one half and took a small bite.Hereyes rounded in delight when the first morsel hit her taste buds.Thecombination of brioche bread, different cheeses, and sun-dried tomatoes perfectly complemented each other.Accordingto the description on the specials board, the cheeses wereGouda,Swiss, andColbyJack.

“Likeit?”Westasked as he set a glass with a piece of paper in it on the bar—presumably her tab.

Nodding, she chewed, then swallowed and used her napkin to wipe her mouth. “Likeit?Ilove it!I’venever had grilled cheese with anything else on it before, but this is amazing.”

“Gladto hear it.It’salways popular when we list it.Mychef andIhave been thinking of updating the menu, and we might put that on it permanently instead of having it as an occasional special.”

“Youreally should.Thisis the best grilled cheeseI’veever had.”Itwas the truth.

Hisdimples appeared again. “Withthat endorsement, consider it done.”Whena server at the other end of the bar called his name,Westpointed atAllie’ssandwich. “Enjoy.I’llbe back in a few to check on you.”

Onceagain, her gaze strayed to his ass as he walked the bar’s length.Flirtingwith him didn’t seem like it would be a hardship.Hewas still easy on the eyes, but retaliation wasAllie’smain focus.


Afterfilling a few drink orders for the waitstaff and then tending to a foursome who’d sat at the bar, it had taken a little longer than he hoped beforeWestcould return to the auburn-haired beauty.Thankfully, she was still there when hisTuesdaynight bartender,MaxAbrams, hurried in from the kitchen since most staff members parked in the building’s rear lot.

“Thanksfor covering for me, boss.”Maxtossed his car keys into a utility drawer behind the bar under the rows of liquor bottles and set his cell phone next to one of the registers.Normally,Westdidn’t like his employees having their phones out in view of the customers.However, he’d recently made an exception forMaxsince the young man’s mother was in the hospital recovering from brain surgery to remove a small cancerous tumor.Ifthere was an emergency, one of the nurses would contact him, and it was easier for them only to have his cell number listed to call.

“Noworries.How’syour mom doing?”

“Okay,Iguess, but tired.Thebiopsy results came back, and it was as they expected, so for now, she doesn’t need the chemo, only radiation.Thedoctor thinks they removed all of it based on the latestMRI.Aphysical therapist got her out of bed this afternoon, down the hallway, and back using a walker.Shedid pretty well, but it took a lot out of her.WhenIleft, she was sound asleep.Ifall goes well, they might release her to the rehab facility onFridayand start the radiation in a few weeks.”

Westpatted him on the shoulder. “That’sgreat news.I’msure she’ll be glad to get out of the hospital.Letme know if you need any more time off or some swaps with anyone.”

“Iwill, thanks.Oh, andMomtold me to thank you for the soup.Sheate it all.”AfterWest’ssuggestion when they’d spoken last night,Maxhad stopped by around noon to get a container of the soup of the day to bring to her.

“Probablysince it wasn’t hospital food.Gladshe liked it.”

BeforelettingMaxtake over the rest of the shift,Westgave him a quick rundown on the customers sitting at the bar, whether they’d ordered food or not, and the status of their tabs.Oncethat was all settled, he grabbed a bottle of his favorite locally brewed ale, circled around to the other side of the bar, and sat next to the attractive woman whose name he still didn’t know.WhenMaxremoved her now-empty plate and asked if she wanted a fresh drink, she glanced atWestbefore pushing her club soda aside and ordering another old-fashioned.Westhoped that meant she was sticking around for a while because he found her fascinating despite not knowing anything about her.

“Areyou done for the night?” she asked him as the bartender mixed her drink.

“Yup.Maxhad some personal stuff to take care of today, andIwas covering until he arrived.”

“Thatwas nice of you.”

Hesmiled and shrugged. “I’malways nice, um . . .”Hepaused and eyed her. “Younever told me your name.”

Herbrow furrowed. “Ididn’t?I’msorry,I’mAllie—uh,AllieMcKenna.”

Thename didn’t sound familiar at all, but the more he studied her, the more he thought they’d met before.However, his mind was blank on where and when it might have been.Butthat didn’t mean he couldn’t get to know her now.Heheld out his hand, and she met him halfway.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you,AllieMcKenna.Willyou be in the area long, or are you heading back toColoradosoon?”

“Um,I’llbe here for a few weeks.Myaunt was a bit of a hoarder—a neat one, but it’s a three-bedroom house, andIhave to go through a lot of stuff.Youknow, figuring out what to keep, donate, or sell.”