Page 6 of Sweet Revenge

Shenearly bit her tongue after that last word.WhyshouldIbe polite to him?Becausethat’s how you were raised!Ugh!

Witha nod, he said, “That’sone of my favorites.Homemadepotato chips or fries?”

“Um, the chips sound good.Thanks.”


Ashe left to place her order, her gaze slid down his back, past his trim waist, to that fine ass again.Silentlycursing, she picked up her drink and took a large gulp.


AsWesttried to keep an eye on his other patrons’ drinks, his waitstaff, and things being said to him, the pretty auburn-haired woman at the end of the bar kept stealing his attention.Themoment she walked in, he’d noticed her.Shewas about his age, maybe five inches shorter than his own six-foot-one.Hershapely frame was toned but thick enough to garner his interest.Skinnywomen didn’t do it for him.Theynever had.Evenas a teen, he'd lusted after the curvaceous girls in school—and if they were smart, that made them even more attractive to him.

Whenhe’d been able to study the woman while she’d been deciding what to drink, he had a vague sense of having met her before but couldn’t figure out where or when.Therewas no way she’d ever been to his pub—at least not on a night when he’d been there—because he definitely would’ve remembered her.Holdenhad grown threefold since he’d been in high school, and while he still knew many people there, plenty of residents were unknown to him now.Although, he was occasionally recognized from hisNFLdays by strangers.

There’dbeen a mid-western lilt to the woman's voice when she spoke, so maybe she was new to the area or visiting someone.Butwhy was she alone?Someonethat delectable shouldn’t be dining by herself.

Afterhe took her order and walked away, she pulled an iPad out of her purse and started reading.Itmust not be anything good because she frowned several times.Everyonce in a while, she glanced inWest’sdirection but then quickly returned her attention to the device.Hehoped she wasn’t one of those customers who got impatient when their meal wasn’t served three minutes after they ordered it.

Outof the corner of his eye,Westobserved her, trying to figure out where he might know her from and why she wasn’t with anyone.Therewasn’t anything wrong with eating alone—people did it all the time at theCat&Fiddle—but a woman that beautiful had to be beating guys off with a stick.Hehadn’t seen a ring on her left hand or the faded skin coloring that said one had been recently removed.Itwas one of the first things he checked for nowadays when a lady piqued his interest.

Owninga popular pub gave him a chance to meet a lot of women, but that wasn’t always a good thing.Manycame there searching for a one-night stand, a quick weekend fling, or a boyfriend they would need to hide from their husbands.He’dfound that out the hard way once when he unknowingly hooked up with a thirty-year-old woman who’d forgotten to mention she was married until after they’d gotten down and dirty.Thenext day, the cops needed to intervene when her husband showed up at the restaurant, demanding to know which bartender had fucked his wife in the office the night before.Theguy had started tearing up the bar when he didn’t get an answer and was eventually arrested.Yup.NotWest’sfinest hour, but that had been more than a few years ago and made him more wary of who he got involved with.

Thedays of not minding a revolving door full of women were long gone.Westwanted what several of his friends had found—someone he could spend the rest of his life with.He’dalways wanted to be a father, too, but none of the relationships he’d had over the years had worked out.Therehad always been something missing, but he’d never been able to figure out what.

Wanderingdown the bar, he checked everyone’s drink before stopping in front of her. “CanIget you a refill?”

Herglass was almost empty, and she seemed surprised when she glanced at it. “Um, no.I’lltake a club soda with a twist of lemon, thanks.”

Hecould get that without stepping away from her and quickly filled aCollinsglass with ice. “I’msorry, but have we met someplace before?”

Hergreen eyes widened a bit. “Uh...n-no.Idon’t think so.I’mfromColorado—Denver.I’min town settling my aunt’s estate.”

“Oh,I’msorry for your loss.”

“Thankyou.”Sheseemed flustered as if she hadn’t expected his sympathy.

Hetossed a new coaster next to the old-fashioned and set the non-alcoholic drink on it.Forsome reason, he didn’t want to walk away yet.Hewas drawn to her like a moth to a flame.Ashe dried his hands on a nearby towel, he said, “I’mWestLockhart, by the way.Thisis my pub.”

Herbrow furrowed. “Really?Imean . . .”

Whenshe didn’t finish the sentence, he did it for her. “WhyamIbartending ifIown the place?”Hesmiled and gave her a wink as chagrin filled her pretty face. “Ididn’t take that as an insult if that’s what you’re worried about.Ilike working behind the bar, especially on quieter nights.Itgives me a break from all the paperwork that goes into running this place, andIget to meet new and interesting people, such as yourself.”

Yup, he was flirting with her—he couldn’t help himself.Somethingabout this woman intrigued him, and he didn’t know why since they’d only met less than ten minutes ago.Hell, he hadn’t even learned her name—yet.

Pinkstole across her cheeks, and his cock twitched at the sight.Hewondered if other parts of her body blushed that prettily when she was aroused.Moreblood rushed to his groin at the thought of her naked in his bed.Heshifted his hips, thankful that the bar was high enough to hide his semi-hard-on until he could get it under control.

Ashe tried to think of something else witty to say, twodingsresounded from the kitchen, alerting him that her meal was ready. “I’llbe right back.”

* * *

Getit together,Allie.Rememberwho this man is and how he tried to embarrass you in front of theentireschool.

Angerand indignation rose to the forefront of her mind, pushing aside the attraction and desire that had bubbled up inside her when he smiled and winked at her.Withouta doubt, he was flirting with her, something he probably did with every adult female who walked into the place.Whatwould he say if he found out who she really was?Wouldhe still smile and talk to her, or would that handsome face fill with disgust at the memory of the plump, nerdy, four-eyed teen she’d been back then?

Buthe doesn’t recognize you, girl.Wouldn’tit be fun to flirt, get him all hot and horny, then walk out without a backward glance?Geta little retribution for his attempt to humiliate you?

She’dnever been a cocktease before, but suddenly, the idea was tempting.Verytempting.