Page 5 of Sweet Revenge

“Ugh.Youwon't figure this out tonight,”Alliesaid aloud.

Makingsure she had the listSadiehad given her, she gathered her purse and the keys to the rentedToyota.Twohours later, the rear of theSUVwas stocked with storage totes and bags filled with everything she needed.Arrivingat the hotel, she pulled up to the valet parking, thankful she didn’t have to empty the vehicle since they had a secure lot for their guests.

Whena uniformed young man opened the door, she climbed out. “Isthere a quiet place within walking distance whereIcan get a good burger or something?”

Thehotel had an excellent restaurant, but it was pricey.Thirty-five dollars for a cheeseburger and fries was too much.

Holdenhad grown tremendously since she’d lived there, and most of the town didn’t seem familiar to her anymore.Manynew malls, shopping centers, office buildings, housing developments, and condo complexes had been added.Aminor-league ballpark had been built on the outskirts of town and was now home to aAAteam affiliated with theYankees.Herold high school was in the same place, but another building had been added, doubling its size.Therewere still a few businesses she recognized from long ago, but those were few and far between.

Thevalet pointed toward the end of the street. “Stayon this side and go past the traffic light.Anotherhalf block down, there’s a great place called theCat&Fiddle.Thefood is awesome, and it shouldn’t be too crowded since it’sTuesday.”

“Thankyou.”Shetipped him when he handed her a claim stub.

Glancingdown at herT-shirt and jeans, she frowned when she saw how dirty they’d gotten throughout the day.Smudgesof dust and grime were too noticeable for her to be out in public, so she headed into the hotel and took the elevator to her room.

Thirtyminutes later, she was scrubbed clean after a wonderful spa-style shower and dressed in black capris, a celery-greenV-neck top, and black canvas shoes.Alight application of blush, eyeliner, and lip gloss enhanced her facial features.Herhair was still damp but clipped into a messy yet stylish knot.Itwas so thick that she usually let it air dry for a while before blowing it out unless she was in a rush.Whenthat happened, her arms tended to ache from holding the dryer and brush by the time she was done.Puttingher hair up was the easiest option tonight since she was hungry and eating alone.

Itwas a beautiful mid-spring evening, with a temperature of sixty-eight degrees according to a weather app on her phone, so the walk from the hotel was enjoyable, and it didn’t take long to arrive at her destination.Itsat between a hair salon and a small bookstore.Ahunter-green awning complemented the pub’s rich dark wood exterior.Abovethat, an image of a cat playing a fiddle and the establishment’s name were carved into a large, decorative wooden sign.Theplace was inviting, and had she just come across it, she probably would’ve chosen to eat there even without the valet’s recommendation.

Glancingupward at the rest of the building, she noticed what appeared to be four floors of apartments.Itwas in a nice area and not too far from the train station, and she briefly wondered what the downtown rents were inHoldennowadays.Themain streets had been updated over the years, and attractive lampposts, flower beds, and trees now lined the outer edges of the sidewalks.Olderbuildings had been replaced by newer ones, or their facades had gotten facelifts.Itwouldn’t be a hardship to live there again if she decided to move back.

Openingthe door, she strode in and found the restaurant’s interior was just as pleasant—cozy and welcoming.Thevalet had been right.Itwas quiet, although a few customers were scattered among several tables while others were sitting at the long, elaborate bar that seemed to be made from the same wood used for the front facade.

Notwanting to sit alone at a table,Allietook a stool at the bar, leaving several empty ones between herself and two older men watching a sports channel on aTVabove the shelves filled with liquor bottles.Atthe far end, a lone bartender had his back to her as he prepared drinks for a waiting server.Beyondthat was the entrance to the kitchen and a hallway that probably led to the bathrooms.Oppositethe bar were two openings to another room, one at the front of the restaurant and the other at the back.Shepeeked through the closest one, and the room appeared to be another dining area.Itwas probably used for parties or overflow on busy nights.

Asmall bar menu was propped up in a holder in front of the seat next to her, and she snatched it, hoping to find something that sounded good enough to order.However, she was so famished that she would eat practically anything.She’dhad breakfast around 8:30 a.m. before heading over toAuntEmily’sand nothing since, except a few bottles of water and a granola bar she’d brought with her.

Whileshe was perusing the menu, a coaster slid across the bar and landed in front of her.Adeep, rumbling voice said, “Hi, welcome to theCat&Fiddle.CanIget you something to drink?”

Hergaze lifted, and her jaw nearly hit the floor as she prayed her mind was playing tricks on her.

Holyshit!No, it can’t be.Please, no.

Butit was.She’drecognize that handsome yet devilish face anywhere, even after all these years.WestonLockhart.Herformer crush and the source of a teenage humiliation that still stung almost two decades later.Herheart squeezed painfully at the memory.

Asmuch as she hated to admit it, he’d aged well.Hewas taller than she recalled—his shoulders were broader, too—but that was to be expected considering they'd both been fifteen the last time she’d seen him.Hisjet-black hair now had a touch of gray at the temples, and his eyes were still cobalt blue.Theywere piercing, and it took a moment for her to realize they were aimed directly at her face, but she saw no sign of recognition.Ofcourse, he wouldn’t remember her.Shedoubted anyone fromHoldenHighwould since she’d been far from popular and left after the tenth grade.

Whenhis eyebrows inched upward, she couldn’t bring to mind what he’d asked her. “Um,I’msorry.Izoned out there for a second.It’sbeen a long day.”

Asmile spread across his face, making him even more attractive.Anddamn it, he still had those adorable dimples she hadn’t forgotten.Shewould've flirted with him if he had been any other man.Buther memories of the past squashed that urge in a heartbeat.

“Iasked ifIcould get you something to drink.”

Alcohol.Yes, definitely.Sheneeded something to calm the range of unwelcome emotions coursing through her.Glancingat the array of bottles behind the bar, she tried to concentrate on the labels and force herself to relax and act nonchalant. “Anold-fashioned withFourRoses, please.”

“Comingright up.”Hepointed to a chalkboard hanging on the wall to her right. “Tonight’sspecials are listed there.Letme know if you have any questions.”

Whenhe turned his back to her, grabbing the bottle ofKentuckybourbon she’d requested, her shoulders sagged, and her stomach roiled.Shemuttered the famous line fromCasablancato herself with a slight twist. “Ofall the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world,Ihad to walk into his.”

Itwas kind of surprising to find him working as a bartender.Notthat there was anything wrong with the profession, but he’d been on the varsity football team as their second quarterback in only his sophomore year.Eventhen, people had said he was destined to be drafted into theNFLone day.Shedidn’t follow any sports and wondered if he’d gone pro or not.Eitherway, how had he ended up working in a bar?Asfar as she remembered, he’d been a better-than-average student in almost every class except science.Heonly passed chemistry in her final year atHoldenbecause of her help.Andhow had he repaid her?

Nope.Don’tgo there.

Heronly salvation right now was that he didn’t seem to recognize her.Ifthere’d been any hint he remembered who she was,Alliewould’ve hightailed it out of the pub without a backward glance.Butthen she would’ve looked like the fool he’d thought she was in high school.

Ugh!Stopthinking about that!Havea drink, get something to eat, and enjoy the view.Hergaze dropped to his well-formed ass encased in snug black jeans.No, don’t do that...ignore him, drink, eat, and then leave and never come back.

Bythe time he brought the old-fashioned over and set it in front of her on the coaster, she’d managed to build up her defenses and resolve.Sheglanced at the specials board and picked the first thing that caught her eye. “I’llhave the sun-dried tomato grilled cheese sandwich, please.”