Page 11 of Sweet Revenge

Hermoans and pleas mixed with the wet sounds of his licking and sucking.Takinga chance, he moved to the little rosette between her ass cheeks and ran his tongue over it.Hersqueal was so loud that he prayed his neighbors hadn’t heard her.Herasshole was tight, and he wondered if anyone had ever taken her there.Hopefully, he would be the first if she let him, but for now, he wanted to get into her sweet pussy.

Movinga hand between her legs, he found her clit and rubbed it with two fingers while he retrieved the condom with his other hand.Usinghis teeth, he ripped open the package and, with a skill he developed over the years, rolled the latex onto his shaft.

“Please,West!Oh, please hurry!”

“Onmy way, sweetheart.Hangon.”

Grippingher hips, he pulled her toward him, bringing her head back up.Shebraced herself as he aligned the tip of his cock with her entrance and then eased inside.Despitebeing wet and willing, she was also so damn tight.Westclenched his jaw and fixated on where they were joined as he withdrew and thrust in again, gaining ground with each pass.

“Oh,God!”Allie’shands clutched the comforter. “More!”

Hegave it to her, pounding into her faster and harder as she rocked against him in time to his pace.Tensionand anticipation raced through every cell of his body.Thiswas beyond sex for him—it was more like a sacred experience, unlike anything he’d ever known.

Hercunt squeezed him, and he closed his eyes.Flashesof colored lights appeared behind the lids.Gasps, moans, groans, muttered curses, and the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room.Perspirationslicked their heated skin.

Wantingto see her face as she came,Westpulled out, grabbed her legs, and flipped her onto her back.Hewas inside her again within seconds, with his hands on either side of her head, supporting his weight.Herlavish breasts bounced as her hips rose to match every thrust of his cock.Bendingdown, he kissed her, letting her taste herself on his lips and tongue.Theirmouths dueled for dominance, neither one winning.

Westcouldn’t get enough of her.Neverbefore had a woman owned him—mind, body, and soul—asAlliedid at that moment.

Hisorgasm built, but he refused to go over until she went first.Leaningon one hand, he brought the other to her clit and massaged it with short, rapid strokes. “Fuckingcome for me,Allie.Takeme with you.”

“Yes!Yes!”Shewrithed beneath him, her cries of bliss getting louder.Tohell with the neighbors.Hewanted to hear her scream his name at the top of her lungs.

Herinner muscles quivered around him seconds before the orgasm claimed her.Hotfluid gushed from her core, coating his cock, their legs, and the mattress. “West!”

Hedrove into her once, twice, and then a third time before he stiffened and followed her into the abyss.Euphoriaflushed through him as his cum filled the latex barrier until he was finally spent.

Westwasn’t aware of how much time had passed before he caught his breath and his brain came back online.It’dshort-circuited on him.Thewoman had undone him in a way no other had, and he prayed it wouldn’t be the last time it happened.


Westrealized two things before he opened his eyes.One, he was alone in the bed since he was splayed across it, leaving only enough room forMoeif the cat had forgiven him for being locked out last night.Andtwo, it was way past dawn because the glaring sun was hitting his face through his bedroom window because he forgot to shut the blinds last night.Notthat anyone could blame him since he’d been so focused on the woman who’d rocked his world.

Thewoman who was now gone.

Shiftingcloser to the edge of the bed and rolling onto his side, he stared at the now-vacant spot whereAlliehad curled up next to him while he succumbed to sleep after a second round of sex in the shower.Thesilence in the large apartment was deafening, confirming she wasn’t in any of the other rooms.

Hopingshe’d left a note with at least her phone number, he checked both nightstands and came up empty.Aftera pit stop to the bathroom, he searched the living room, kitchen, and foyer, the only places that made sense for him to find anything from her, but there was nothing.


Hegot it—really, he did.Shewas only inHoldenfor a few weeks and probably had a shit-ton of things to do before returning toDenver.Thatdidn’t help him feel any better.Forthe first time in years, he was crushed over a woman.Ithad only happened once before, but that had been worse than this—his heart had been heavily invested back then, only to get shot down.

Atleast, this time, he’d only knownAlliefor a few hours—but they’d been the best few hours he could ever remember spending with a woman.Sure, over the years, some had slipped out his door after some great sexual gymnastics, while others had lingered far longer than they’d been welcome.However, never once had he been so disappointed the morning after.Hehated to admit it, but his heart ached over the fact she was gone without a way to contact her.

Floppingonto the couch, he rested his head on the back cushion and sighed.Alliehad it all—beauty, intellect, sensuality, a sense of humor, a great personality, and a good ear.She’dlistened as much as she’d talked last night in the bar, and he’d been looking forward to having more discussions with her over the next few weeks before taking her back to his bed.

AsMoehopped on the couch beside him,Westleaned forward, opened the laptop that’d been sitting on the coffee table, and spent the next ten or fifteen minutes searching social media and other sites forAllieMcKennawith no luck.Well, he did find dozens of women with that name or a similar first name, such asAllison, but none were hisAllie.Healso searched recent obituaries in the local newspaper for anyone with the last nameMcKenna, hoping it was also her aunt’s surname, but the only person that popped up had been aJohnMcKenna.

Whenhis phone pinged with a message from one of his tenants that she had gotten locked out of her apartment,Westfinally gave up hope of finding a trace ofAllieon the internet.Itseemed as if he would only see her again if she decided to return to theCat&Fiddle.Ifshe did, he’d be waiting for her with bells on.Fornow, he had work to do.

* * *

Alliestared at the ceiling in the dark spare bedroom for the second morning in a row.Itwas a little after five a.m., and she’d been awake for about an hour.Shecouldn’t stop thinking aboutWestand how he’d rocked her world the other night.Sexhad never been as amazing with anyone as it had been with him, and she hated that it would never happen again.Damnit.Whydid it have to beWestLockhartwho ruined her for any other man?Ofthe millions of available men in the world, why him?

Aftertheir first round of mind-blowing sex, she cuddled up to him despite knowing she should get dressed and run.Buthe’d been as sweet and caring as he’d been all those years ago before he tried to play that cruel joke on her.Shewished that incident wasn’t etched into her memory because she could really fall for the man he was now.

Nope.Nothappening.Youhad your fun, and you’ll never see him again.Getover it.