Page 10 of Sweet Revenge

Thekiss was wet, raw, dirty, and delicious.Therewas no hesitation from either of them when it came to opening their mouths to let their tongues battle for supremacy.Shetasted fruity and spicy from the old-fashioned and, combined with her own unique flavor, it was driving him out of his mind.It’dbeen a long time sinceWestwas with a woman who challenged him sexually, and he loved it.Notthat he was remotely submissive—he just admired a woman who was confident with her wants and needs.

Alliewas all over him, urging him on by rubbing her chest, torso, and pelvis against his as he leaned against the narrow wall between the foyer and kitchen.Withone hand in the thick strands of her hair, he ran the other up and down her back, dipping lower with each pass until he cupped her full ass and squeezed.Shemoaned and lifted her leg until her knee rested against his hip, and he grasped it to keep it there.Asshe ground against his hard length, the air around them crackled with electricity and intense passion, making him needier than he’d been in a very long time.Hisbody hummed with desire.Ifthey didn’t slow down, he would come in his jeans—something that hadn’t happened since he was a teenager.

He’dbeen a bit surprised she’d countered his dinner offer for tomorrow night with one of her own—one that didn’t involve eating anything but each other.Nevera man to look a gift horse in the mouth, he’d readily agreed since he hadn’t wanted to wait any longer to get his hands and mouth on her.Therewas something about this beautiful woman that drew him in.Shesparked something inside him, and not merely in a sexual way.Itsucked she was only inNewYorkfor a few weeks, butWestwas determined that this would not be his only night with her until she returned toDenver.Beforeshe left his bed, he’d make sure they had plans for tomorrow night and every night after that.Hewanted to imprint her on his memories and vice versa if that were all they would have after she was gone.

Hermouth left his and nuzzled its way to his ear, sending shivers down his spine. “Bedroom?”

Westgrowled, dipped his knees, grabbed the backs of her thighs, and lifted her.Ashe carried her to his bedroom, she wrapped her legs around his hips and nibbled on his ear.Hekicked the door shut as they passed it to keep the cat out.

Moewasn’t invited to this pussy party.

Releasinghis grip, he let her legs slide down his until she was standing again.Immediately, she yanked his shirt from his pants.Reachingbehind his head,Westclutched a handful of the material and pulled the shirt up and off, tossing it aside.

Theirmouths met again, but after a few moments, he paused just long enough to remove her shirt.Hedragged his hands up her bare arms, over her shoulders, and down her back, leaving goosebumps in their wake.Herskin was so soft against his calloused palms and fingers, and he couldn’t stop touching her right then if his life depended on it.Hewanted to map out every scrumptious inch of her body.

Shegrasped his upper arms, turning him a few steps, then pushed him down onto the bed while she remained standing.Heleaned against his elbows, taking in her beauty and letting it drown him.Herfingers popped the front clasp of her bra, and her ample breasts bounced when no longer bridled by the garment.Heheld his breath as she peeled the lacy emerald piece off, revealing two perfectly dark pink nipples begging for his attention.Westpalmed his throbbing erection, trying to keep it under control—at least until he was inside her.Itcould be her mouth, pussy, or ass—as long as her heat surrounded his cock, he didn’t care what orifice she allowed him to fuck.Hewanted to experiment with each one, finding what made her scream his name in ecstasy as she climaxed.

Westbit his bottom lip as he waited impatiently for whatever she would do next.Allieclearly wanted to be in control at the moment, and he was willing to let her—for now.He’dtake over when the time was right as long as he was one hundred percent sure she wanted everything he was willing to give her.Shedidn’t come across as a cocktease, but if a woman said no at the last second,Westrespected that.Yeah, it would be exasperating and hurt like hell if she walked out and left him with a case of blue balls, but he would never force himself on anyone.

Allieundid the button on her capris and lowered the zipper before pushing the garment down her legs as she toed off her shoes.Wearingonly skimpy panties that matched the discarded bra, she stepped toward the bed.Hisgaze roamed her body, not lingering too long on one part, wanting to commit as much as possible to his memory.

Asshe stopped between his spread knees, she tapped one. “Lift.”

Whenhe followed her order, she removed his sneaker and dropped it to the floor.Withoutwaiting for further instruction, he lifted the other leg and let her repeat the act.Shemoved closer, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, giving his aching cock some much-needed breathing room.Leaningdown, she set her hands on the bed on either side of his hips, then licked and nibbled her way up his happy trail to his chest.Herfingernails scored his flanks, leaving thin red lines on the tanned skin.God, the woman was going to be the death of him tonight, but what a fucking way to go!

Theflat of her tongue scraped across his nipple, sending a shiver down his spine.Moaningat the pleasure coursing through him,Westthrust his fingers into her thick hair and held her there, encouraging her to tease him some more.Healmost shot his load right then when she bit down lightly on the taut peak.Hisbrain was mush—nothing mattered at that moment but howAlliewas driving him to the brink of insanity with every hedonistic thing she did to him.

Grabbingher ass, he rolled them over until he was on top before pushing off the bed and shedding the last of his clothes.Freeof its restraints, his cock slapped against his lower abdomen, almost painfully.Hewrapped his hand around it and squeezed until he was sure he wouldn’t come before he was inside her.Heeyed her from head to toe, then zeroed in on her panties.Thatlittle scrap of material was the only thing standing between them—but not for long.

“Takethose off,” he demanded, his voice rough with want and need.

Allierose and slowly stripped before kicking the piece of lace aside.Shestared at his cock, making it throb harder in his hand, and then dropped to her knees.Holyshit!

Pushinghis hand away, she licked his dick from root to tip.West’seyes nearly rolled into the back of his head as he inhaled sharply.Shewas a beautiful woman to begin with.Butseeing her down there, licking her lips as she gawked at his erection like she was starving for it, stunning was the closest word he could use to describe her.

Allthoughts fled his mind when she wrapped her hand and then her lips around him.Hewas shocked his shaking knees didn’t give out as she devoured him.Hertongue tortured him momentarily before she took him to the back of her throat and swallowed around his tip.

“Fuck!”Hegrasped her hair. “Don’tstop.Oh,God, please don’t stop.Dothat again.”

Shedid it twice more, then bobbed her head up and down as she gave him the best blowjob of his life.Withhis hand on her head, he urged her to a pace that wasn’t too slow or fast.Therewas no way he would last long in the wet heat of her mouth, but he couldn’t resist letting her continue until he absolutely had to stop her.

Alliescratched his bare hip with her manicured nails, leaving more marks he hoped would still be there for days to come.

Whenhe was moments away from orgasm and couldn’t take her intense ministrations anymore, he pulled her off him.Herlips were red, wet, and swollen—gorgeous.

“Geton the bed,” he growled, releasing her and opening the nightstand’s drawer.It’dbeen a while since he’d had a woman in his apartment, but thankGodthere was still a box of condoms in there.Pullingone out, he nearly dropped it whenAlliegot to her feet, turned, and crawled onto the bed like a lioness, showing him her ass and hairless, glistening pussy.Hefucking loved when women were bare down there.

“Stop,” he ordered, and she glanced over her shoulder at him. “Spreadyour knees.Good.Nowstay right like that.”

Aftertossing the condom onto the bed, he bent over and clutched her hips.Usinghis thumbs, he spread her ass checks. “Dropyour shoulders and head down.”

Whenshe complied, she was in the perfect position for him to feast on her.Herslit was weeping already, and he leaned in for a taste, running his tongue up its length.

“Ah!Oh, shit,WWWWest!”

Hechuckled at how his name came out of her mouth like a combination of a whine and a prayer. “Likethat, huh?”

Notwaiting for a reply, he plunged his tongue inside her, fucking her with it before nibbling on her outer lips.Shesquirmed closer, encouraging him to eat her, and who was he to deny a woman who expressed what she wanted?