Stella grabbed her purse and looped her arm in Carolina’s. “Be prepared to hear it a few more times. Let’s go.”

They both devoured huge chicken and cashew salads at a corner restaurant near Carolina’s place, then headed up to her apartment.

“I have beer here, since Drew prefers it over wine,” Carolina said after they hung up their coats.

“I’ll just have water,” Stella said. “I can only dance off so many calories.”

Carolina gave her a sidelong look. “You could use a few more calories.”

“So everyone tells me. Believe me, after the show I’m going to eat two pizzas and guzzle a six-pack.”

They took seats on the sofa. Stella flexed her ankles, giving her legs a long stretch. She didn’t want to tighten up after today’s rehearsal, and since she’d missed her bath, she knew that was a possibility.

“Where is that hot boyfriend of yours, anyway?” Stella asked. “I know it’s not a game night tonight.”

“Some team meeting about something or other. I admit I was only half listening when he called me and told me about it because I was knee-deep in fabric selections.”

“That’s certainly understandable. Pretty fabric is much more important than hockey.”

Carolina grinned. “To me it is. Probably not to Drew.”

“And how are things going with the cohabitation?”

“It’s actually pretty great for the most part. I thought we’d get in each other’s way, but we don’t. I mean, we have the usual getting used to each other stuff, but it’s minor. For some reason he can’t grasp the concept that dirty clothes go in the hamper, and it drives him crazy that I don’t eat breakfast right when I get up in the morning. He wakes up starving and wants to cook a six-course meal when all I want is tea. We’re learning all of each other’s weird idiosyncrasies. But I like knowing he’s here with me. I like sleeping with him when he’s in town. The sex is outstanding, he makes me laugh, and I love him like crazy.”

Carolina looked around the room. “He fills this space. I couldn’t imagine him not in it.”

Stella smiled at her best friend. “I love seeing you like this. You were always so driven, so focused only on work. Not that your work isn’t as important to you now as it ever was, but sharing your life with Drew has changed you.”

“It has. In ways even I can’t explain. And I want the same thing for you, Stell, because you’re just as driven and focused as I used to be—as I still am. But you don’t have that someone to share your world with.”

Stella felt a tug in the vicinity of her chest, but shrugged it off. “I don’t need that. I don’t want it. I told you, I’m a free agent, and I prefer it that way.”

“It’s a lonely way. I never realized how lonely I was until Drew came in and filled my world with all that love.”

“Now you’re starting to sound like one of those sappy greeting cards you buy at the store.”

Carolina laughed. “I am, aren’t I? Okay, enough love talk. I want to hear about this new show. Tell me all about it. What role you’re dancing, who the cast is, and all the juicy gossip.”

Stella spent the next hour filling Carolina in on the grueling rehearsals and the cast, and telling her all about the choreographer. She hadn’t realized so much time had passed until she heard a click at the front door. She looked up to see Drew walk through.

With Trick walking in behind him.

“Well, hi, you two.” Carolina got up and went to greet Drew, who wrapped his arms around her and gave her a warm kiss.

“Hey, babe,” Drew said, his gaze lingering on Carolina. “We were talking strategy, so I thought we’d continue it here with a beer. Unless you two are talking strategy of your own.”

Carolina laughed. “No, we had dinner, now we’re gossiping.” She moved to Trick and hugged him.

Stella got up and went over to give Drew a hug and peck on the cheek. “Hi, there, hot stuff. How’s it goin’?”

“It’s going great. And you?”

“Still dancing, as always.”

“Good to hear.”

She nodded at Trick after he hung up his coat. “Hey.”

“Hey. Did you and Carolina have fun tonight?”

“We did. I stopped off to see her after rehearsal and we ended up spending the evening together.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“How did your meeting go?”