The Improv guy with the microphone pulls up a chair and asks me to sit. “What’s your name, sweetie?”


“And what’s your name?” he asks, turning to Ethan.

“Ethan,” he says.

“Oh, that’s adorable!” Improv guy says in his best teen girl voice. “You guys are just too cute. How long have you been dating?”

I stare down at the stage floor to hide my blushing. “This is our first date,” I mumble.

Ethan jumps in. “Second,” he says.

“Aw man, this is too perfect. A first date story makes this game way more fun. Alright, Emma, what we’re going to do here is act out your day. Super simple, right?”

I nod slowly. What does that mean, act out my day? Am I going to have to act out my day in front of all these strangers? The thought makes my throat go dry and I cough nervously.

“How did your morning start?” he asks.

“I woke up and went to school,” I say.

“And did anything in particular happen at school?”

I think to that moment in the hallway when Ethan decided to get back in the game. Then I think of Jaron in the library and my face burns hotter. I’m probably glowing red by now.

“Oh, something good happened, I can tell by that blush. Give us the dirt,” he says.

I open my mouth, but I can’t force the words. I don’t want everyone to think I’m some kind of player.

“I know what she’s thinking about,” Ethan jumps in.

Oh, I truly hope not.

“Emma here was nominated for prom queen a couple weeks ago. There are three of us fighting over who gets to take her to prom. Clearly I’m winning, because I’m the one standing here.”

The audience laughs and cheers.

“Hold up, hold up,” the guy says. “Are you the girl from social media? I had three different people forward me your video!”

I can feel my face burning with embarrassment. Ethan grabs the mic. “Yup, this is her. The famous Emma.”

“Wow, this is gold,” Improv guy says. “Okay Emma, so after these three guys were fighting over you, then what happened?” he asks, grinning.

“I went to the rest of my classes. Nothing exciting happened.”

“False again,” Ethan broke in. Our whole school is into it. Even people who don’t go to our school. There’s a poll online, and people have formed teams for the three of us.”

“Wow!” Improv guy said. “So how are you doing in this poll, Ethan?”

Ethan grabs the microphone and addresses the other people in the audience. “Well, that depends on all of you,” he says. He gives the name of his stream and says, “Don’t forget to share hashtag team Ethan.”

Improv guy takes the microphone back. You can tell he is loving every minute of this. “Alright, Emma, then what happened?”


“Boring. Pass. What next?”

“Then I got ready for my date with Ethan.”