Page 14 of Lost Sons MC

Lola and Midge chuckled.

Creed and Silas swung their stunned gazes over.

The girl stifled their laughter or at least they tried.

Midge got up and went back to the living room. She picked up the screening unit and brought it to the kitchen then plugged it in at the counter outlet.

The men watched her with stone faces as they were still unhappy with all of this.

She motioned them over and tapped play. Stepping back, she allowed them in to see the show.

Creed, Silas, Daniel, Harry and Jack moved over to watch.

Silas was the first one to laugh. “Well, if that don’t beat all!”

Midge nodded. “Those damn gophers, such pests I tell ya.”

Daniel, Harry and Jack joined his laughter.

“Look at him pounding his fists on the ground like a toddler!” Jack exclaimed as he laughed.

Creed did not laugh as he didn’t think any of this was funny. “Where is the poster you found?” he asked Lola.

Lola bit at her lip to keep her smile away as she got up, went over to the cabinet and opened it to reach inside. Bringing the poster out, she said. “I found this in one of the flowerbeds just outside our bedroom.” She handed the paper to Creed.

Creed growled when he saw the old poster. “This is the same one we...” He shook his head.

Silas grabbed it and turned it over to see Midge’s name on the back. He snapped his head up to look at her and growled, “They got your maiden name on it, why?”

“I don’t know.” She shook her head. “Maybe they don’t know we’re married?”

Silas snorted, “Well then, they are dumber than they should be. Most cartels are smarter than that. They get details on the people they are after. Every last detail.”

“Could it be that this isn’t the cartel?” Creed asked the room.

“Who else would it be?” Midge wanted to know. “We ran the cartels out of Killian when Bandit allowed them to stay. We cost the cartel a lot of money when the Lost Sons wouldn’t distribute their drugs anymore.”

Creed nodded. “But the cartels wouldn’t have stayed down for long, there is always someone out there that would take over for Bandit and Snake. Some other MC that wouldn’t care how they made their money.”

Midge shook her head and said, “Drugs are slowly killing the people of this nation, some people are just stupid when it comes right down to it.”

“Some people are weak and can’t handle life when it seems to be spiraling out of control.” Harry shook his head. “With the drugs, they can forget for a while what’s going on around them.”

“That’s the coward's way out.” Midge growled.

Harry nodded his agreement. “But that’s the way most people cope with things, the easiest way out.”

“Ok, if it isn’t the cartel then who the hell is watching us?” Lola asked.

“We will find out, babe,” Creed told her.

“Well, if they killed Midge’s chickens two nights ago and were here last night,” Silas reasoned. “Our best bet is whoever they are will be out at the farm tonight. We might want to stake out the farm and catch em at it.”

“They better not go after my goats.” Midge growled. “Rambo will kick their ass. Molly is due to have her kid any day now and he’s protective as hell over that nanny.”

Silas laughed. “Oh, I hope he does and Rambo kicks his dumb ass.” Silas got a look in his eyes and growled, “Or at least softens him up for me. That way, I can kick his stupid ass myself.”

Tate and Creed both scoffed.