Page 9 of Lost Sons MC

Lola gasped as she saw it herself. She plopped down in a vacant chair and stared at the screen in a stunned daze.

For a moment, no one said a word then Cobra leaned forward and asked, “What’s this all about?”

Lola shook her head. “I have no idea. I don’t even know this Liam.” She looked over at Creed. “I mean I’ve seen him a couple times with Ginger but I’ve never met him.”

Creed grunted. “Ginger must really be worried about you breaking her cover with the Steele brothers. She’s Liam’s inside woman and if Lonnie found out, she risks her life. No matter what he may feel for her, he will kill her to protect himself and his business. Or telling Lonnie about her fling with Hector. Either way, he’d kill her for betraying him.”

Lola covered her mouth in shock. Ginger did this to her. Before this, she was only a target for the brothers, now she was a target for everyone out there. She stared at the screen and saw the bounty Lonnie had put on her head. One million dollars. He’d offered money to anyone who could prove she was dead.

Her first reaction was to run, except she’d never run from anything in her young life. Besides, she reasoned she wouldn’t have anywhere to go that this poster couldn’t be seen or acted on. There were MC clubs all over the states. She would spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder waiting for the bullet that would take her life. Even if it were recalled now, too many people had seen it already. There would never be any peace for her, not now, not ever.

“Okay,” Cobra growled. “How the fuck do we stop this? How the fucking hell do we turn this around and let the truth be known?”

“I’m not sure we can turn this around now,” Silas grumbled. “This has been up for twelve hours already, and too many people have seen it.”

“Well, I’ll be damned if this bitch is gonna get away with this,” Cobra griped. “There must be something we can do about it.”

Harry shrugged. “About the only thing we can do is expose Ginger for the fucken traitor she is but that might start the war we’re trying to avoid.”

“No!” Lola called out.

Everyone turned to stare at her in surprise.

She was pale and trembling but when she looked up at them, they could see the steely look in her eyes. “No, I will not sink to her level by tattling on her just because she got me into trouble.”

“What do you have in mind?” Creed narrowed his eyes. He could see she had an idea.

“We have to neutralize the situation before it breaks wide open, don’t we?” she reasoned out loud. She looked over at Annie and asked, “When you were researching the cartels, did you find a way to contact them?”

Annie shrugged. “I suppose there’s a way, why?”

“We could try and contact them and warn them because Lonnie has a traitor in his employ and their son could be in danger of being killed. Maybe that would be enough for them to pull him out of the situation and maybe they could warn Lonnie about Ginger. Then it would be between Lonnie and Liam and have nothing to do with the cartels at all. Lonnie might even get the news and break it off with Ginger before it comes down to a war neither side can win.”...

Chapter Three

“I really thought it would work,” Lola told Midge. “ may have come back to bite me in the...”

“...Tush?” Midge patted her hand. “We don’t know yet, but be on guard.”

Lola glanced at the clock and said, “I’d better get back home, Creed is going to think we’ve been shopping all day.”

“I’ll stop over with Silas tomorrow and check on you then,” Midge assured her. “Maybe we’ll know more then and can work on a plan or something.”

Lola nodded, then she hugged Midge. “Thank you, sweet lady.”

Midge smiled and said, “You might not think I’m all that sweet tomorrow, sugar.”

Lola giggled and whispered, “You’ll always be sweet Midge. You just can’t help yourself.” With a smile, she turned and left the house.

Midge just watched her go and muttered under her breath, “Well, you don’t know me very well at all if you think I’m sweet. Threaten my family and you’ll find out just how unsweet I can be.”

She got up and went to lock the front door, then she went to the kitchen to prepare Silas’s supper. When he finally came through the door she met him with a kiss and pretended everything was okay the rest of the night. She did hope that he wouldn’t ask about the chickens though.

* * * *

Early the next morning, Midge rose a bit earlier than Silas, so she could check her camera feed. She didn’t find anyone watching her place overnight, but she wanted to go and check on Lola. She asked if Silas would take her with him to the compound. Silas looked surprised but agreed to take her.

When they arrived, she kissed him on the cheek then headed to Lola and Creed’s house. After a brisk walk, Midge knocked on the front door.