Page 8 of Lost Sons MC

Midge shook her head. “That was the cartel running Bryan when John’s mother was there. When Mitch killed the man the cartel sent up to find out why the shipments were getting lower, my friends and I made sure the young man got a proper burial.” She shrugged. “Apparently, they took exception to that.” With a sigh, she told her what she found this morning, “I went out to feed my chickens today and someone had wrung their necks. They killed my birds just to scare me.”

Lola looked stunned as she placed a hand over her mouth. “Did it work?”

“Hells no, but it got my anger up.” Midge growled. “I’ll be damned if I let them scare me. I’ll shoot a hole into the first one of them I see.”

Lola shook her head. “Well, I am afraid. Why wait over a year to come back at us with this? I worry that our men might get between us and a bullet. I don’t want to die and I don’t want Creed or his brothers or his family to die in my place.”

Midge nodded then reached over to pat her hand. “I don’t want to die either, or see my man shot in my stead but that isn’t going to stop me from reacting to this threat and that’s what this is. A threat. And I don’t take threats lightly. The cartel wants a fight? I’ll show them a fight. I may go down but they will go down too.”

Lola sat up straighter on the sofa as she looked at Midge and snarled, “Tell me what you need me to do. I need to protect not only my son but the whole Young family.”

Midge just smiled. “Let's make a trip to town, ok? Call in and tell Creed you are going shopping with me.”

“Shopping?” Lola exclaimed as she stared at her. “At a time like this?”

“Yeah, baby girl, but we ain’t gonna be buying shoes.” Midge gave her a huge grin. “Unless they’re mud stompers.”

Chapter Two

Later that afternoon, Midge and Lola were busy in the barn, in the loft. Midge handed an infrared camera to Lola. They’d been installing them all over the farm. If someone was watching them, this would be one way to find out. They’d put one at each side of the house and two at the back.

When they got done, both women went to the house. After Midge poured them both a glass of iced tea, Lola asked, “What else can we do to get ready for the showdown?”

Midge got up and disappeared for a moment. When she returned she had two long jewelry boxes. She gave one to Lola and opened the second one. Inside were two identical pearl necklaces. “These are trackers. If one of us gets taken, the other can track the signal and should be able to find us, or someone else can track us and bring us home again.”

Lola frowned and picked up the necklace. “They are beautiful, I always love pearls.” She looked up at Midge. “Have you used these before?”

Midge nodded. “Yeah honey, I’ve used them before. It was when I was up against the cartel and John’s mom. I gave the tracking unit to a friend of mine so if I went missing he could find me.”

Lola nodded then slipped the necklace around her neck. Midge slipped the other one over her head too. Then she held out her hand for Lola’s phone and added the app for the tracker to her phone. Midge then went over and picked up a box of more cameras. “You need to set these around your house. Hide them if you want to, so Creed doesn’t notice but these will let you know if someone is watching your house.”

Lola nodded. “Yeah, before we tell everyone else we have to have more than an eerie feeling.” Shaking her head, she admitted, “I don’t want to think about the cartel coming after us but they have to stop. We didn’t do anything wrong here.”

Midge thought about this for a moment then shook her head, “Maybe it's not the Gola cartel at all. Maybe we need to find one of these jokers and ask them some questions. We may be blaming the wrong cartel here.”

Lola stared at her. “You think it could be someone else?”

Midge shrugged and sat down. “That’s just it, with everything that happened last year, we don’t know. But we need to know.”

Lola nodded. “I won’t risk Cletas being hurt or left without a mother and I won’t risk losing one of the men.” Looking up at Midge, she said, “I thought the danger in my life had been solved.”

Midge stared at her. “What do you mean?”

Lol sighed. “This was when I first met Creed and it may be the reason that danger has come back around to get me.”

“Tell me.” Midge stared at her.

A year and a half ago...

On the screen was a wanted poster of Lola. The poster was on a site only bikers and gang members used. The poster was put out by Liam Stroughton.

Silas read the poster and paled. “Creed, get your ass over here boy.”

A moment later, both Creed and Lola joined them at the table. “What’s going on, Gramps?” Creed asked.

Silas turned the screen shot toward him and waited.

“What the hell?” Creed swore.