Page 23 of Lost Sons MC

Liam slowly shook his head.

“Believe it,” Lola said. “Your sweet Ginger got greedy. So they needed me to fall for that too. She was playing you all, on both sides.”

“I can’t say I’m surprised. Ginger was the craftiest woman I have ever known.”

“Well, I am not. I was just caught up in it.”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “And all I got left of her is her fucking pinky finger!” He stepped closer. “I have men that would do this job. Taking pieces of ya, but this I have ta do myself. Blood for blood. She was my blood and now, I will take yours.”

Lola looked up at him. She knew she was looking death in the eyes. This man was about to kill her. If he did, Cletas would not have a mother.

He took out a switchblade. “I’m gonna start with your pinky then work my way up to yer ears.” Liam gave her an evil grin. “We Irish know how to party.”

Lola felt entranced as she stared at the shiny, long blade. Her fear seemed to leave as all she saw was her baby’s face. His bright eyes were so much like Creed’s and always full of joy.

Liam stepped closer and peered down at her. “Ya don’t look scared, why is that, sweet Lola?”

With a gasp, she leaned forward as she let out a fearful whimper and reached into her shirt. Then she dropped off the cot and onto her knees. Thumbing the button, her blade popped out and in one full thrust, she lunged it upward...right between his thighs.

With a howl, he roared as he staggered back. Blood immediately soaked his dress pants. “You fucking bitch!” He then stepped forward to slash his blade at her.

Ducking down as he missed her, she then raised Madammoseil up again and slashed at his ankle. All she felt was bloodlust now even as her body trembled like mad. She refused to die today.

Liam screamed again and growled like a madman. “You fucking castrated me! You are gonna pay!” Raising the blade up, he took a step forward.

A gunshot rang out.

Lola gasped and covered her head, then she heard a loud thump. Slowly raising her head as her body shook, she saw Liam on the floor, only the back of his head was gone now.

Boots stepped up to her.

With her heart pounding in her ears, she didn’t know what or who, so she swiped out again with Mademoiselle.

“Ow!” The boots stepped back.

She froze at the familiar voice and slowly looked up to see Creed’s face.

“Baby, are you okay?” he asked gently as he knelt down.

Lola felt cold and hot at the same time as she shivered and felt sweat soaking her shirt. She couldn’t seem to speak either.

“You cut my boot,” he said. “How are you doing that?”

“I-it’s my b-birthday?” Lola answered as she began to cry, she thumbed the pearl button and the blade disappeared.

Creed shook his head as he picked her up and stepped around Liam’s bloodied corpse to carry her out to the truck.

During the ride back to the farm, Lola sat close to Creed with her arms wrapped around him and refused to let him go. She said not a word and Creed seemed to understand as he did not ask her anything.

Daniel drove and he did look over a time or two with curiosity in his eyes, but he had the good sense not to say anything either.

When the truck finally parked at the steps of Midge’s house, Lola bolted up, opened the door to jump down and ran up the steps.

Midge stood ain the open doorway with Cletas in her arms.

“Oh, my baby boy!” Lola exclaimed as she took him from Midge while tears rolled down her cheeks. Peppering his little face with multiple kisses, she kept laughing at his cute little gurgles. Finally, she looked up at Midge.

Their gazes met.