Page 20 of Lost Sons MC

“Apparently, the Gola cartel got their hands on Ginger and she paid the ultimate price for betraying Hector. All they could find of her was a finger they used to ID her. Liam is pissed and he’s here after you and Midge because you dared to mess with him.”

Lola looked pale as she shook like crazy.

Creed quickly passed Cletas to his dad when he saw Lola almost pass out. He grabbed her quickly and pulled her onto his lap. He cradled her to him and whispered, “Come on baby, I need you to be with me here. Our son needs his mama and we have plans to make.”

Lola groaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I can’t do this again. I thought I was free and clear. I can’t go back to that.” She pushed away from him and looked around the room. “Cletas, where is my baby?”

Creed held her tight and said, “He’s safe. My dad has him. Babe, don't worry. Liam won’t ever get close to our son. Or you. I won’t let him.”

Lola looked at her man then shook her head. “You can’t stop him. If he’s got two men looking for us, then that means he’s got more. He’s the kind of man that has a far reach. He’s got money to burn and men will want that money for grabbing me. He could have a second or even a third set of men here. You may not see them but they are here all the same.”

Creed cupped his hands around her face and made her look at him. “Then we’ll find them one at a time, but we will find them. We will take them out until Liam comes here himself. We’ll drop that fucker into a big hole and bury his bones where no one will ever find them.”

Lola closed her eyes and laid her head on his broad chest. “I can’t do this again,” she whispered.

“You won’t have to, the brothers and I will take care of this,” Creed vowed. “We’ll take care of Liam and all the others that come along with him.” Creed looked up at the faces of his family and shook his head.

Midge came over to Lola and held out her hand. “Come on sweetie, let's get you to your room to settle down and maybe take a nap.”

Lola got up and allowed Midge to lead her down the hall.

Creed looked a bit ashen as he got up to watch her leave the room. “Damn,” he swore under his breath.

“What’s going on with her?” Silas asked. “She wasn’t this scared the last time she was up against these bozo’s.”

Midge came back and snorted. “She didn’t have a son before either.”

Creed stared at her. “What’s Cletas got to do with this?”

Midge shook her head. “Men are really dumb as rocks at times, aren’t you?” She came around Tate and reached out to touch the sleeping baby. “Cletas is her son and she’s finally got someone she cares for more than her own life. Oh, she loves you Creed but you don’t need her the way her son needs her. You can take care of yourself but Cletas can’t. She figures she got so much to teach him and to do that she has to be around. Yes, she trusts you guys to keep her safe but I think she understands that Liam doesn’t play fair. She knows he will use everything he’s got to get to her and kill her. She can’t stand the thought of leaving her son alone in this world. Like she was left alone to fend for herself at one time. He’s too young to remember her and that hurts her heart.”

“Well, damn.” Creed sat down hard on the sofa. “Doesn’t she realize that I wouldn’t let Laim anywhere near her?”

Midge nodded. “I think she knows that but even you can’t be with her twenty four seven. She thinks she has to protect Cletas with everything she’s got.”

Harry looked up from his computer and cleared his throat. When everyone looked at him he said, “Liam Stoughton is out on bail along with his sister Ginger. She disappeared three weeks ago and then the police tracked her down to an apartment in Beaumont but all they found there was a massive amount of blood and that single finger they used to identify her with. No one has found the rest of her body.”

Just then, the room went dark.

“What the hell is going on here?” Silas growled.

“Gad dangit!” Midge swore and went to find a flashlight.

Silas made his way to the kitchen door and headed outside.

A few minutes later, the lights came back on and Silas came back into the house. “I started the generator. How the fuck did we lose power?”

“No, no!” Midge yelled.

The men looked over at her.

She gazed up at them from her small monitor. “There’s three green dots moving away from the house.” Raising her hand to her mouth, she whispered, “Lola. Somebody check her room.”

Chapter Seven

Creed tore down the hall and opened the door to the room Lola was supposed to be in. He snapped on the lights but the bed was empty and the window was wide open. “Lola!” he shouted out.

Silas, Bear and Harry came running.