Her eyes opened fully as she sat up abruptly, suddenly wide awake. Her brother was there, inside her suite, looking for her. If she didn’t get up right that moment, he’d likely stroll into her bedroom, expecting to find her alone.

She glanced over at the warm body stretched out next to her, only allowing herself a few seconds to eye her bodyguard turned lover’s naked form appreciatively. He had the sheet slung low across his body, only just preserving his modesty against unwelcome gazes. When she finally reached his face, she saw he was also wide awake and ready to spring out of bed at a moment’s notice.

“You want me to come out with you?”

She thought for a moment, then leaned over and gave him a soft kiss. “No, it’s okay. I’ll get rid of Erik. You stay here.”

“Nyssa?” Her brother’s voice sounded closer.

She shot out of bed and slipped into her silky robe, cinching it at the waist tightly and looking down to ensure nothing was on display her brother shouldn’t see. Toeing on her slippers, she opened the bedroom door only far enough to squeeze out of it. “Hi, Erik.”

“Good morning.” Her older brother was standing in the middle of the large, expensively decorated living room. “I hope I didn’t wake you.” The curve of his mouth told her he wouldn’t be bothered if he had.

Nyssa huffed. “Like you care. What are you doing here this early in the morning?”

His brows furrowed. “Early? It’s nearly nine thirty.”

Fiddlesticks. She hadn’t meant to sleep that long, but John had kept her up half the night, wringing pleasure from her body like she’d never known it. It had been the best night of her life, having sex with the man she was desperately in love with.

But she wasn’t sure she was ready to share that with anyone, even her big brother, whom she loved dearly.

“I’m allowed to sleep in, you know. The charity ball isn’t until tonight.”

Erik grinned. “I know that. I wondered if you wanted to have breakfast with me.”

Nyssa raised an eyebrow. “Like you haven’t already eaten?”

“Okay, second breakfast, then. Shall we order room service?”

She squirmed in place, trying to figure out how to get her brother to leave without arousing his suspicions. But when she looked at his face, she could see she was already too late.

“Ah.” Erik gazed at her inquisitively. “Got a man in your bed, huh?”

“I never said that! It’s none of your business.”

“So you don’t have a man hiding behind the bedroom door?”

“Erik.” She glared at him haughtily. “What part of ‘none of your business’ did you not understand?”

“Who is he? Can I meet him?”

She pointed to the front door. “No, you can’t meet him! Out!”

“So there is a man!” Erik stood and straightened up. He looked at the bedroom door, as though he could see through it, then gazed back at his sister. She saw the moment something dawned on him as his expression changed and he tilted his head slightly. “Good morning, John.” He spoke out loud, even though there was only the two of them in the living room.

Nyssa gasped and clutched the top of her robe tightly. How on earth had her brother guessed the identity of her lover?

A few awkward seconds passed as she tried to think of what to say next before the bedroom door opened and John stepped out. She looked over her shoulder to see he was fully dressed; he’d put his black pants and white shirt back on, but he was barefoot. He came over to where she stood and wrapped his arms around her waist as she turned back toward her brother. “Good morning, Erik.”

Erik gazed at them. “It appears I owe you both an apology for interrupting you.”

“No apology necessary. We needed to get up for the day anyway.” John placed a kiss on her temple, and she leaned back against him, placing her arms on top of his.

Her brother gave them a soft, genuine smile. “It’s about damn time, you two.”

Nyssa couldn’t hold back her surprise. “What do you mean?”

This made the heir to Lecroisa’s throne laugh. “Come on, Nyssa. You think nobody’s noticed the way you two look at each other?”