She cried out as his cock swelled and pulsed inside her, his orgasm making him moan and hold her close. The feel of him coming inside her body pushed her into another one of her own, and white spots danced in front of her eyes as she almost blacked out.

The front half of her body collapsed onto the bed as she clutched the duvet, her ass still up in the air and her pussy still full of John’s cock.

Once they’d both caught their breath, John withdrew from her slowly and she felt the gush of arousal slip from her body. She whimpered, and his lips were on her nape. “Don’t move, sweetheart.”

“I’m not sure I can,” she admitted, and his laugh made her smile.

He climbed off the bed and padded into the large bathroom attached to her bedroom. He returned moments later and she rolled onto her back. He was holding a wet washcloth, and she kept her legs open while he gently wiped her clean.

Once he was done, he threw it far enough for it to land on the tiled bathroom floor and then stretched back out on top of her, propping himself up on his arms so as not to crush her with his weight. She put one hand on his arm and ran the fingers of the other through his hair. His body was covered in a sheen of perspiration just as hers was, and his cock, still impressive evenwhen not hard, lay on top of the glistening dark curls between her thighs.

“Hi.” Her tone was soft as she gazed up into the blue eyes she’d grown to love so much over the last three years.

“Hi.” He dipped his head and ran his nose along the length of hers. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No, I’m perfect.” His mouth crashed down onto hers, and she kissed him for a good long while, enjoying the feel of his naked body on top of her. “Can we do that again?”

He grinned. “I sure hope so. The night is far from over yet.” After one more kiss, he rolled over onto his side, taking her with him so they were facing each other. John reached down to grab the blanket neatly folded up at the end of the bed and pulled it up around their cooling bodies.

Nyssa snuggled close, relishing the feel of his strong arms around her. Her fingers played with the dark hair on his chest as he dropped kisses on her face. Did she dare ask the question? Would he answer truthfully? There was only one way to find out, so she took a deep breath and gazed into his eyes. “John?”

“Yes, Nyssa?”

“How long have you known?”

He tucked a lock of hair back behind her ear. “That I’m in love with you?”

She gasped at hearing him say those words out loud. She’d expected him to admit he had strong feelings for her, but that he’d come out and admitted he was in love with her was a surprise. A pleasant one. All she could do was nod as her heart beat faster.

“About two years.”

His response had her rearing back in shock. “Two years?”

The back of his fingers caressed her cheek. “Yeah. I’m guessing it hasn’t been that long for you?”

She shook her head, and although she knew it was silly, she felt bad he’d known so much longer than she had. “It’s been eight months, three weeks, and four days.”

The corners of his mouth curled up. “That’s very precise of you, Your Highness.”

She slapped a hand over his mouth. “No. Don’t call me that while we’re in bed.”

He kissed the hand covering his mouth and she pulled it away. “Okay, sweetheart.” Pressing a kiss to her lips, he spoke once more. “What happened eight months, three weeks, and four days ago?”

“We were at an event and a little girl had a posy of flowers for me. She stepped forward to give them to me and someone in the crowd jostled her, accidentally knocking her over. She started to cry, but you swept her up into your arms and said a few words that dried up her tears and made her smile again.”

“I remember her, poor little thing. She was so sweet, wanting to give you some flowers.”

“You were so good with her, and when I turned toward you both and saw you holding her, something clicked into place.”

His lips met hers in a soft, slow kiss. “Could you imagine me holding our daughter?”

Her eyes widened. How could he possibly have guessed her deepest secret? It scared her a little to admit it, but she couldn’t lie. “Yes.”

“Good. Because I want to give you a daughter one day. Turn over.”

She obeyed, following his instruction and turning away from him as he curled up behind her, his cock hard once more and pressing against her back. He lifted her top leg up and over his own, and she felt his cock sliding between her legs, coating it with her arousal.

Without warning, he pressed into her and glided balls deep. She cried out as his hand covered her breast and rolled her nipple between his fingers, while his lips and tongue were all over her shoulder and neck. “Oh God!” He felt so good inside her, so right. She moved with him as he pulled out of her and pushed back in again and again and again.