Their lovemaking was slower this time but just as good, and she trembled in his arms as she orgasmed, clenching around his cock tightly. He groaned and thrust hard several times before he joined her over the edge, his cock stiffening even more as he climaxed inside her.

Nyssa turned her head toward him and he rewarded her with a long, hot kiss, his hand running over her soft skin before cupping her breast and squeezing it gently.

They lay together like that silently for a few minutes, kissing and touching each other gently. She loved this as much as she did the act of sex itself; the intimacy between them made her heart sing. So when she suddenly felt cold air at her back, she turned over to find her lover standing by the bed, his hand out toward her. “Let’s take a shower.”

She scrambled up out of bed and took it, walking with him into the large, glamorous bathroom. The large countertop, which contained two sinks, was made of Italian marble. The fixtures were gold, and the tiling on the floor was of the same marble above it. The shower, which ran from one side of the room to the other along the back wall, had two large, square showerheads which jutted out from each side.

John slid open the door to the shower and turned the water on while Nyssa placed a third towel on the heated rack along with the two already there, knowing she’d need it for her hair. Once the water was warm enough, he stepped into the stall and she followed him in, closing the door behind them. He’d turnedboth showerheads on and it wasn’t long before the stall was steamy.

She wrapped her arms around him from behind, pressing a kiss to his nape before resting her head between his shoulder blades. Closing her eyes, she breathed in his scent and his closeness. She was so glad they’d finally confessed how they felt about each other. Perhaps she should have been scared at how fast their relationship was moving; they’d only kissed for the first time earlier that night, and they’d already admitted being in love with each other.

But it felt right. Natural. They’d been heading this direction for years, so now the walls were down she was all in.



“Je t’aime.”I love you. Her voice was soft, but she was sure of her feelings. Arabella had been right. Life was short, and love was something she had to grab on to as long as she could.

He turned in her arms and cupped her face, rubbing his nose against hers before pressing their lips together gently. “Je t’aime aussi avec tout mon cœur.”I love you too with all of my heart.

She stared at him blankly, blinking rapidly. “Wait a minute. Since when do you speak French?”

He grinned at her. “Since I’ve been taking lessons with an app on my phone. I wouldn’t say I’m fluent, but I can understand some.”

“You never told me that!”

“I wanted to surprise you.” He dropped a kiss on her nose, then sobered. “You have no idea how hard it’s been for me to keep my feelings for you hidden.”

She kissed him. “So why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

For the first time ever, she saw hesitation and doubt in his expression and she ached to soothe him. “Because I wasn’t sure my feelings were reciprocated. Because I’m your bodyguard andyou’re a real-life princess, Nyssa. It’s not as though I can just marry you.”

“Says who?”

He cocked an eyebrow. “You think your parents will be okay with you marrying a commoner?”

“I think my parents will be okay with me marrying the man I’m in love with and want to spend the rest of my life with.” She kissed him again, biting gently on his bottom lip. “You know I’m not the heir to the throne. My parents aren’t going to care that you’re not a prince.” She hoped they wouldn’t, anyway, but she kept any doubt to herself.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her close so there was no space between them, their bodies pressed against each other’s. “Are you happy?”

“Deliriously so.” She threw her arms around his neck as he dipped her slightly, kissing her long and hard as hot water covered their naked bodies.

Then something else long and hard made its presence known, and she broke the kiss with a smile. “Again?”

“I’m fucking insatiable when it comes to you.”

Laughter died in her throat when she saw the intense desire in his eyes. Desire for her. She felt wanted and cherished by the man holding her. “So fuck me hard, John.”

“I thought you’d never ask. Turn around and bend over.”

He released her and she went to do as instructed, but instead chose to crouch down in front of him so she was eye level with his magnificent cock. The cock that had already given her so much pleasure. It was hard yet again, and when she wrapped her hand around the base it jerked. Holding it steady, she gazed up at her lover then took a long, slow lick from the base to the head before swirling her tongue around and around.

He groaned, his eyes closing and his head falling back. Nyssa gripped his cock tighter and sucked the head into her mouth,sliding it along her tongue. John’s hands slid into her hair, gripping her as she hollowed her cheeks and moved her mouth farther down his hard shaft, taking him as deep as she could manage without choking.

She felt powerful, watching as her strong, virile lover moaned while she sucked his dick. She had control, and when she brought a hand up to cup his balls and play with them gently, she felt precum leak onto her tongue. The taste of him was addictive and she wanted more.

She wanted it all.