Arthur nodded. “Several others expressed some reservations about the whole thing, but Father was determined to go ahead against everyone’s wishes, including Mother’s. She’s furious about the whole thing.”

Nyssa moved to sit on the edge of her chair. “So what happened? The company failed?”

Arthur’s hand squeezed the glass he was still holding. “The company never bloody existed in the first place. It was all a scam, a Ponzi scheme. This con artist has fleeced over a billion dollars all told. And that’s only what we know of.”

She gasped, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. “Oh, Arthur.” She felt terrible for the man she sat opposite.

“Have the authorities been notified?”

John’s question made Arthur snort. “Of course not. None of the royal families swindled in the scam want to involve the authorities.”

“Because they’re embarrassed,” Nyssa explained quietly. “Surely they know they’ll have to say something though.”

“They’ll have to speak up eventually, Arthur.” This came from Erik. “It’s possible the authorities could locate some of the stolen money and others need to be warned.”

“I know all this, but Father is refusing to listen. Mother is so angry with him that she’s threatened to leave him and go back to her family in France. If it were just me, I’d let him sort it out himself and move to London permanently, but the girls…”

Arthur had three younger sisters who were likely unaware of what was going on, and Nyssa knew he loved them enough to shield them from it. “I take it they don’t know?”

“They suspect something is wrong, but they don’t know what. The only reason I know is because Father has tasked me with trying to track down this con man and get the family’s money returned.”

“Oh, darling. How on earth does he think you’re going to accomplish that?”

Arthur hung his head, his entire body sagging in the chair. “I don’t know.”

“Listen, mate. We can work something out if we put our heads together. Would you be willing to send me all the details you have to my private email?” Erik worked in finance, so she knew he might have some contacts he could tap privately for information.

“Your Highness, I have close friends who work for a private security company back in the U.S. called Centurion Security,” John interjected. “They have contacts all over the world and some skilled IT experts working there, including forensic accountants. If you’d be willing to share what information you have, I can ask them to go digging. Quietly, of course. I can leave your name out of it.”

Arthur’s head snapped up. “You’d do that?”

“Of course. I’d be happy to help.”

“Thank you.” Arthur took a deep breath. “Thank you all. I’d really appreciate whatever assistance you can offer.” He stood, glass still in hand, and they all rose up with him. John held out the silver tray he’d put on the floor, and they all placed their glasses on it. He disappeared out the door and returned a few moments later empty-handed.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his wallet and extracted a business card. “This has my personal cell and emailaddress on it.” He handed it over to Arthur. “Feel free to contact me at any time.”

The blond royal took the card and looked at the words printed on it carefully. “Thank you. I’ll copy you in on the email to Erik so you have all the information I do.” He held out his hand to John, who shook it. “You’re a lucky man to have captured her heart.” Arthur’s gaze moved to Nyssa, who gave him a fond smile. “Take very good care of it.”

“I will, promise.”

John was not a man who made promises lightly, so hearing him say that made warmth blossom in her chest. She stepped forward and embraced Arthur. “We’ll do what we can to help, darling,” she whispered in his ear. “You’re not alone.”

He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I’m lucky to call you my friend. I’m sorry about springing marriage on you before. I really did think you knew about it.” She hugged him tighter, letting him know she accepted his apology. “I would never hold you to it. I hope you know that.”

“Of course I do,” she whispered in his ear before releasing him.

Erik held out his hand, then pulled Arthur into a quick embrace before releasing him. “I’ll come meet you in London week after next. We can go over everything you’ve learned together so I have a better understanding of what’s going on.”

John nodded. “I’d be happy to conference in from D.C. if that would help.”

“Yes, splendid idea.” Erik moved and clapped John on the back. “The more we know, the better.” He headed for the door. “We’d better get back. Someone’s likely to notice we’re all missing.”

Her brother was right. “Let’s have another dance, Arthur. I’ll be right out.”

Arthur tilted his head, the corners of his mouth curling up ever so slightly before he followed Erik out the door, leaving Nyssa and John alone.

She stepped into his embrace, turning her face up for his kiss. “You’re a good man, John Ashwood. You didn’t have to offer any help.” Her hands stroked his back underneath his jacket as he kissed her, his tongue sliding along hers.