His laugh made her relax. “I’m glad you have a friend to talk to. I like Arabella.”

Stepping closer to him, she left no space between them. “So do I. She won’t tell a soul.”

“I’m not worried, Nyssa. You can tell her whatever you like. Did you also tell her how much I love you?”

This had her tipping her head back far enough to gaze into his beautiful blue eyes, eyes she could get lost in. “Yes.” She wanted to kiss him so badly, but it was important to her that she tell her parents about the change in their relationship before the entire world found out, so she kept her lips to herself.

But it was harder than she imagined not to press them against the man who held her in his embrace. And suddenly, her parents’ blessing felt critical.

Or her relationship with her bodyguard might not last longer than one weekend in Paris.

Chapter Six


Nyssa knew she was standing far too close to John, but despite the fact they were dancing in a room full of people, she couldn’t bring herself to put even an inch of distance between them. Being in his arms was the only place she wanted to be that night, and for the first time in her life she resented having to perform royal duties and attend this ball instead of being back in her hotel suite, naked and taking pleasure from her lover’s touch.

She was fiercely aware of his hand on the small of her back and her fingers wrapped around his. Her lips were entirely too close to his as they gazed at each other, moving in time to the music. She glanced around and was dismayed to see more than one pair of eyes trained on them. “People are watching us,” she whispered nervously.

“Of course they are.” His voice was as low as hers. “I’m dancing with the most beautiful woman in the room.”

Nyssa couldn’t help but beam at him as a blush pinked her cheeks. “You’ve already seen me naked. You don’t have to flatter me now.”

“I’m just stating the truth.” He dipped her as the song ended. “Want to go somewhere private and make out for a bit?”

Her laugh had him grinning back at her. “Yes.” She gave him a mischievous look as he released her and led the way out of the ballroom. They took cover on a balcony, away from prying eyes, and Nyssa shivered from the bone-chilling cold.

John opened his arms and she stepped into his embrace, warming as he wrapped his jacket around her as well. She tipped her head back and was rewarded with the feel of his lips on hers, and it wasn’t long before the cold had been banished as his tongue stroked hers in a long, hot kiss.

When they finally broke apart, he rested his forehead on hers as they both sucked in lungfuls of cold air. “I think I like this better than dancing in a room full of people, even if it’s colder than the Arctic out here.”

“I like this better too.” She gave him another passionate kiss. “But I think we ought to get back inside before someone notices we’re missing.” Nyssa knew Arabella or her mother would realize sooner rather than later that they were not in the ballroom with all the other attendees.

John took her hand in his but dropped it just as they reached the ballroom doors. He stepped aside to allow her to enter ahead of him but stayed close behind her.

“There you are!”

Nyssa suppressed a groan as a tall, blond man suddenly stepped into view. As much as she would have liked to excuse herself from his presence, manners wouldn’t allow her to do so. “Good evening, Arthur.”

Arthur was the crown prince of the tiny country which sat to the west of her own. Living in Washington D.C. meant theirpaths didn’t cross all that much, thankfully. Arthur’s family and her own were friendly and had spent time together over the years, and of course they all attended the same functions and events around Europe. It wasn’t as though she disliked him, but more that they were very different people and didn’t have much in common.

She felt John’s hand on her back, rubbing it gently, and it helped her relax as Arthur took her hand in his and brought it up to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her fingers. “Nyssa, darling. Enchanting as always.”

She gave him the smallest of smiles. “You’re too kind.”

“I’ve been looking for you all night! I humbly request a dance.”

“I would, Arthur, but I really must?—”

“I insist.” The corners of his mouth curled up, but the smile he gave her didn’t make her want to return it.

She hesitated for a few moments, then placed her hand in the one he held out to her. “Just one. I can’t let you be greedy and keep me occupied all night!” She tried to keep her tone light and teasing, and the broad smile the prince gave her told her she’d succeeded.

She glanced over her shoulder at John, and she couldn’t miss the way a muscle in his jaw ticked as she stepped away from him. His body was tense, his expression blank. Nyssa knew he didn’t like Arthur touching her any more than she did.

“It’s okay,” she mouthed at him. “I love you.”

His eyes softened, but he followed them and she was grateful for his closeness.