Nyssa narrowed her eyes at her friend. “What makes you think he’s my lover?”

The other woman snorted. “Are you joking right now? You two have been eye fucking each other all night.”

Her mouth fell open. “Arabella! I can’t believe you just said that.”

Arabella grinned at her. “You’re still not denying it.”

Nyssa let out a long breath and sighed. “If I did deny it, then I’d be lying.” The shriek her friend let out was loud enough to turn a few well-coiffed heads, and she placed a hand on Arabella’s arm and squeezed it. “Bella, for heaven’s sake! Stop drawing attention to us, will you?”

Arabella slapped a hand over her mouth until she quieted. “I’m sorry, darling. But this is so exciting! I need all the details. How did it happen? Did you run back to the hotel last night and jump him straightaway? How big is his dick?”

Nyssa closed her eyes briefly. She loved her friend, but the other woman had no filter sometimes. “I need another drink.”

Arabella caught the eye of one of the countless waitstaff strolling around the room with laden trays and snagged two more glasses of champagne with thanks. She waited only long enough for the waiter to be out of earshot again before she spoke. “I’m waiting.”

After Nyssa had drained half the glass, she took a deep breath and looked at her friend, who was practically bouncing in her seat like an excited puppy. “Okay, fine. In order: he kissed me on the way back to the hotel last night up against the window of a boulangerie, we definitely jumped each other straightaway, and big enough to be satisfying.”

Arabella clapped her hands together excitedly. “That’s fantastic! How many times did you do it?” She paused to look around and make sure nobody was eavesdropping on them.

“Three or four times before we got some sleep.” Arabella’s eyes danced with delight as the brunette continued, “By the time we got back to the suite, we…” She trailed off as a blush stole over her cheeks and uncharacteristic shyness washed over her. “Well, our clothes were wet, you see.”

“So of course, you had to take them all off.” The sly look her friend gave her made Nyssa laugh.

“Of course. Couldn’t risk catching a cold.”

Arabella’s expression softened as she reached out to take Nyssa’s hand in her own. “Do you truly love him, darling?”

She breathed in and out before nodding. “Yes, I do.”

“And he loves you?”

“He does.”

“Then good. I’m happy for you both. Does your family know yet?”

“Erik does.” Nyssa groaned as she thought about that morning. “He came to my suite this morning to have breakfast with me, and we were still asleep.”

“He caught you in bed with your bodyguard?”

“Oh my gosh, no. We were dressed.” She paused. “Sort of.”

Arabella’s peal of laughter made her smile. “How did he take it?”

“Good, actually. He didn’t seem surprised at all.”

“See? I told you. Eye fucking.”

“Arabella!” Nyssa reached for her champagne and downed it all in one gulp, hoping her mother wasn’t watching her at that very moment. As a princess, it had been ingrained in her to be aware of what she said and did in public at all times.

The other princess rubbed her hands together. “Now, let’s get to the good parts. How big is his dick, did you say?”

Nyssa had to fight to stop a huge smile spreading across her face. “I didn’t.”

“It must be big. There’s no way it can’t be! He exudes big dick energy, always has.”

“Let’s just say, the energy is not wrong and leave it at that.”

Arabella threw back the rest of her champagne and pouted. “Fine. How many orgasms did he give you?”